My Awards Page 3

Each of these awards mean
a great deal to me,because
I try very hard to make
a page that is beautiful
and also teaches others about
our brother the wolf
and to recieve an award
from these people,who I
think are the best the
web has to offer,makes
it all worth while
please visit thier pages
by clicking on the award
and tell them brother Greywolf
sent you.
Given to me by my beautiful wife Becky
what a great honor for me.
Thank you my love.

Given to me by my good friend WLFGRL,
I was not expecting this.
Thank you my friend.

Given to me by my good friends at Our Place,
This is so cool.
Thank you Jan.

This is from my good friend Grey Eagle,
If you want to see some beautiful
pages go here.
Thank you so much my friend.

What a wonderful surprise.
Thank you so much Paula.

This is one of my very best
friends on the net,please go see
some wonderful pictures from a
wonderful lady.
Thank you so much Carolyn.

Thank You so much for this beautiful
honor,it was such a surprise,thanks Iggy.

Wow thanks for this great
honor,it was such a surprise,thanks Wacky from Wacky's Wiccan World.

This award is so special
to me,cause it came from my
very best friend,thanks Carolyn.

This award was so great to get
because it came from my
friend and my wolf sis,thanks WolfLady.

The background on this page
was made by me,
Please do not steal it
If you want some e-mail me

I Am A Proud Member Of:

The Phenomenal Men Of The WebŪ
The Phenomenal Men Of The Web