Lost In My Troubles Running this gauntlet, this gauntlet they call life Ducking and jumping, and jumping and ducking Missing the pendulum and dodging the knife Till I come to the fork, going two ways I have to choose, to go on my way Both are guarded; only one pays A darker, more dangerous path Longer; more unpredictable than the latter half Normally I would rather bathe in my own blood bath But a large chest of jewels beckons me in that end, Gold and silver, and rubies so bold It’s only my life and soul, that is OH so cold A brighter and easier trail Less traps but still no maps, I can not fail Only fewer treasures for me to flail. Where is my muse? She carries my answers; my hopes; my dreams I know her she can’t refuse to help Someone so lowly and humble as me, “Where are you, you shape shifting coward, You are never here when you’re in need!” In a scornful and hateful manner I throw down my armaments Tis all I can do I break down and crumble, Defeat surrounds me at my feet I am a man, a man none the less I do what I can, I ponder, What will ever sunder my idle nature? What is the point dodging the blade on the knife? Brad Stohr