Pierre Noghli 

Playing drums since age 5. 
Hair stylist 
living in San Francisco.

What makes Pierre a great musician is his style and taste for Persian music as well as his cheerful attitude. 
 Pierre does most of the drum track recordings of the persian musics as well as playing live with very well known musicians and singers such as    : Hayideh(R.I.P),Daryush,EBI,Bijan,Shohreh,Moen,Martik,Andy&Kouros, SANDY's BAND, Shahram – Shapareh and Shahrokh.  Pierre and Shahbal (THE RHYTHM MASTER!) Started Black Cats in the States.He said that everything he knows he has learned from his uncle ROBERT NOGHLI, a legendary drummer in Persian music







Picture of Pierre and Brent (Bass) 
1994, Commodore Ballroom.






Solo from EBI’s concert








Clip from Concert in Commodore.    Vancouver. (Real Media)





Robert noghli - Concert in Greek Theatre with EBI (Real Media)
























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