Why & More...

Reasons why I like them and then some points I'd like to stress to everyone, especially those who have something to say...


1. Xelloss is a demon, Shilfiell is a priestess; therefore, a demon & a priestess would make a good couple (consider Xelloss & Filia if you like them; and when I say Xelloss & Filia, it's another story, so don't say that Xelloss is Filia's already; coz in the first place, do you have proof? Well, in the case of Xelloss & Shilfiell, I'm not stating that Xelloss is Shilfiell's either. I'm just trying to tell the whole world what a cute couple they'd make!

2. Fine, for some, they may look like siblings; even for me! But hey, so what? At least they're not genetically related or anything else!!!???

3. Lina is for Gourry & vice versa (obvious from the manga and anime series itself) and I wouldn't want Shilfiell for Gourry and Xelloss for LIna, so then I thought why not get them together (Xelloss & Shilfiell) so I couldn't make much of a fuss about things... and again, if you're saying that Xelloss is Filia's already, then sorry, I think Valgarv's better with her.

4. Shilfiell has sorta weak powers, Xelloss could help her develop it in an easy manner. So, you might say that she is strong for she was able to cast the Dragon Slave (for sure, she really studied well), let me just say SO WHAT?! It's only the Dragon Slave!? Pathetic...she just tried to learn it to impress Gourry! And back to the point, she couldn't even cast a simple Flare Arrow!?

5. Mazoku are to suffer eternal damnation...and may lack some care, love, or any other pleasing  emotion there is to be in their heart. Humans are capable of loving whatsoever, so Shilfiell might just do the trick for Xelloss. She's got the right stuff to do it, so why not give it a try?...

6. Shilfiell is timid and too lady-like. She should learn how to be violent and wild once in a while; and Xelloss is the perfect one to do the trick. Now, if you say that Xelloss would rather kill her, then what kind of lame proof do you have?!? He isn't that dumb to just kill someone if he doesn't like that someone?! And besides, after all, he is Xelas' minion, and she's a fine girl, meaning: GOOD MANNERS. It's not good for men to just go around and kill girls, huh?

7. They're cute together! (think about it, people!!!) And if you don't think so, then you're not trying too hard or you are just too narrow-minded to do so...or better: you are so one-sided.

8. Opposites attract...everyone is the opposite of another...so you can't say that Shilfiell & Xelloss aren't opposites (I've encountered a stupid person who said that). Now, if you say so, then how stupid can you get?! In the case of Filia & Xelloss, it's out of the question because we're talking about Xelloss & Shilfiell here, remember?!?

9. Sure, they didn't even speak to each other in Slayers Next, but what the heck, what are dreams and fantasies for?! Plus, what do you want me to say? Shilfiell for Zelgadiss (I admit thinking about it), Shilfiell for Rezo (I admit thinking about it too!!!) , or Shilfiell for Gourry (Get a Life!!???)?! The latter would make me puke, the 2 formers are totally undesirable. Get my point?

10. Shilfiell may sometimes act dumb. Pair her up with Gourry and BOOM!!! That's a bad idea there, honey! She deserves a smart guy like Xelloss to help her up in this cruel world...

*I don't hate Filia, I just prefer her with Valgarv.
*I don't consider Gourry THAT dumb; but he's really not the man for Shilfiell, couldn't you just get the point?!?!
*Xelloss may not be the nicest guy you could meet...however, he still has that good side!? (eg: he helps Lina, he's an obedient minion...) And Besides, everyone has his good side?! -_-
*RESPECT MY OPINIONS, OKAY? That's a simple thing to do, even if you don't agree with my ideas, at least a little respect should do the job for preventing quarrels or anything serious...unless you're such a one-sided person or YOU'RE JUST PLAIN STINKIN' STUPID?! :p

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