REAL NAME: aw... do i have to say it?!...XoX
AGE: 16(I'm in third year high school)
BIRTHDAY: August 15, 1983
FAVE QUOTATION: Letting go is one way of saying, "I'll always love you"
I HATE: bad and insulting people, Xelloss-Lina fans, Zel-Lina fans, Shilfiell-Gourry fans, boasting, offending comments, disrespectful people, corny local songs(some), people who cannot accept people as they are, sleeping in the afternoon, people who stands on my way.
I LIKE: Japanese food, Slayers, writing, reading Slayers fics, drawing, reading novels, being with friends, computers, listening to the radio, jokes, cats, pigs, dogs, Lost Universe, good people, Filipino Food, Italian food, Mexican Food, American Food, Shopping for clothes and shoes, magazines(like Y&M, Seventeen and Candy), retro songs, dancing(modern), singing, dubbing & recording(I just love reading scripts and citing them), art, painting, tragedies, playing the guitar, spicy food, fridays and Saturdays.
HOMETOWN: My country: the Philippines!!!^_^
BOOK: R.L. Stinebooks, adventure and fantasy books.(okay, anything scary and terrifying will do...but never mysteries such as Nancy Drew)
FAVE FAIRY TALE: Sleeping Beauty and The Goose Girl