What Innocence Could Bring…



Xelloss looked around the place and smiled as the cool breeze blew against his face. He enjoyed the wind in the human world that’s why he doesn’t mind staying there for awhile if Xelas would go around the town, say, shopping. He decided to teleport and appear again in a city which he thought so lame he wanted to destroy it for that silly reason. Then he read the signs leading to the richest nobleman’s house. He shrugged and turned away, then turned around again when he heard some kids’ voices. He stared at the children. There were five boys and a girl. The girl is pretty, about the age of 8 and she has long purple hair and green eyes. She was pleading for the boys to return her doll. Xelloss just watched for awhile. “Yare yare…” he said.

The little girl began to cry. “Please give it back!” she pleaded.

“No way, rich girl!” said one of the boys.

“But that is special to me! My mother made that for me before she died!” she told them in between her pitiful sobs. Then one of the boys pushed her down to the hard ground. “Your mother is dead and rotten in the ground, Shilfiell! No one is here and your father is inside the house and unaware that your doll is with us!” they told her.

Shilfiell covered her face and began to cry more and more.

“Hahaha! Why don’t you call your daddy!?” the boys teased.

Xelloss scratched his head, then approached them. “Hmm…looks like we have trouble here, huh?” he asked.

The boys looked at him. “Get lost, mister!” they yelled at him.

Xelloss just smiled at them. “You know what, you are worse than the Hell Master…You oughtta be punished by him! At least he knows how to respect girls like Xelas Metallium!” he threatened. The boys turned pale.

“The hell master?”

“Isn’t he a mazoku?”

“Uh-huh? Now if you’d be happy, I’ll take you now to him…” Xelloss told them. The kids dropped the doll and ran away.

Xelloss picked up the doll as soon as only he and Shilfiell were the only ones there. Then he turned to her and knelt down, opening his eyes. “Here’s your cute doll, little girl…” he told her gently.

Shilfiell looked up at him. She smiled and got her doll and embraced it. “Oh thank you, sir!” she told him happily.

“Well, those boys won’t be bothering you for a while I guess…” he told her.

Then he helped her up. “My name is Shilfiell Nels Laada.” She told him. “And I am Xelloss.” He introduced himself.

Shilfiell smiled, her eyes reflecting her childhood innocence. Xelloss adored her pretty green eyes. They reminded him of emeralds and they looked so lovely with her purple hair. He thought that if that girl grew up after some years, she would be a beautiful young lady. Xelloss closed his eyes and smiled.

“Thank you so much for driving those brats away. They are always teasing and making fun of me for no reason at all. They call me ugly and…” she explained sadly.

Xelloss grinned at her. “Don’t believe those naughty boys. They must be jealous of your daddy’s wealth. Plus, you are pretty, Shilfiell-chan!” he told her. Shilfiell blushed. “I am?” she asked. “Wanna bet?” he asked.

She smiled. “No!” she answered sweetly.

Then he took her hand. “Would you like some ice cream?” he asked. “Sure!” she answered.


Xelloss treated her some ice cream and they ate together, while Shilfiell told him nice stories which made Xelloss feel happy. He was amazed with how she is trying hard to befriend him even thought he is a stranger…not to mention a mazoku…

Shilfiell stared at him. “How come you are always smiling?” she asked. “Coz I enjoy your company.” He told her. “Really?” she asked. “True!” he said. Shilfiell giggled. “You know what, I like you!” she said in a child-like sweet manner. Xelloss raised an eyebrow. “And why do you like me?” he demanded.

“Because you are a good person and you make me smile too!” she replied.

Xelloss just smiled at her.

Afterwards, they headed back to Shilfiell’s house. “You’d better go back inside, Shilfiell. Your daddy might be looking for you now.” He told her. Shilfiell smiled and hugged her doll tightly. “Okay.” She answered. She looked at her doll and handed it to Xelloss. Xelloss opened his eyes and blinked as he got it. “Why? I thought you love this doll?” he asked. Shilfiell smiled. “That is precious to me…but I would like to share it with you because you are precious too!” she answered. “Me? Precious?” he asked, hardly believing that someone told him that he is precious. “Uh-huh!” she answered. Then she got in. “Thanks again, mister Xelloss!” she said as she ran inside.

Xelloss held the doll and embraced it too. “Thank you, Shilfiell…” he said softly.


Xelloss entered the base of Xelas. “There you are, Xelloss Metallium!” she told him.

Xelloss was smiling. “Sorry if I came home too late.” He told her.

“It’s fine with me. After all, it’s only 10 in the evening….and I never knew you loved dolls…” Xelas said with a funny look on her face, staring at the doll. Xelloss blushed. “Uh…no! It’s just a gift from a little girl whom I met today!” he replied sheepishly.

“I thought so…I know you hate dolls but loved toy trucks when you were a little boy.” She said. “I should hate dolls! I’m a boy!” Xelloss said. “Well, it’s bedtime.” Xelas said.

“Night, Xelas…” he told her as he headed for his bedroom.


Xelloss collapsed on his bed, hugging the doll. He closed his eyes and smiled. “I wish…she was here…” he said softly, remembering the little girl he had met. Then he fell asleep with the doll in his arms. “Shilfiell…” he said in his sleep…



AUTHOR’S NOTE: Okay, people that was it! Did you like it? Just send in your flames or comments to me, okay?…at jessiejames_megumi@yahoo.com