Shilfiell looked up at the skies. "It’s too hot…" she said. "Then live with it." He answered directly.

She frowned and ignored him. "No use arguing…" she thought. "…I’ll end up crying and he’ll tease me more… why should I believe him when he said that he’ll never hurt my feelings again? He’s a mazoku and they don’t remember promises…" she thought bitterly.

Xelloss looked at her when she looked away, focusing on the road ahead. He examined her face, her features, her body, her manner of standing and walking. Then, he smiled at her. "You’re too poised, Shilfiell-san. Maybe you should try slouching so that you could attract people. Isn’t it that Gourry didn’t love you back? Haha! Get what I mean?!" he laughed at her. She bit her lip and felt hot tears stinging her eyes, but she did not let them fall. She tried to ignore him and looked further away. When she did so, the tripped and fell face-first. "Klutz." He laughed at her; he only stopped laughing when he saw her getting up and trembling a little. But, he didn’t say a word nor helped her. He turned away and began walking again. "Hurry up, Slow-poke." He told her. She got back on her feet again and began walking again. "Hmmph…" she muttered. Then, Xelloss was the one who tripped afterwards. He fell face first and hurt his face. A small pebble scratched his forehead a bit deeply, causing it to bleed. "Ow.." he muttered, cursing in his mind. Shilfiell ran to him and knelt down, helping him to sit down. "Are you hurt?" she asked, concerned. Xelloss frowned. "Obviously." He answered, annoyed at the question. Shilfiell placed her hand on his forehead and cast a cure spell. He was unable to move. He opened his eyes and stared at her. She looked at him straight into the eyes. "I shouldn’t have listened to you when you swore never to hurt my feelings again… I was a fool to believe…" she told him as tears fell from her eyes. Xelloss’ heart felt like melting at those words. "Shilfiell…" he whispered. She stopped casting the spell when it was done. "I won’t count on your promises, don’t worry… since I am only a human, how am I supposed to fight back if you want to have your way with me… I’ll just keep quiet and be your servant than die because you fooled me." she explained. She stood up and wiped her tears away.

Xelloss remembered Xelas’ words to him. "I…" he began.

Then, they heard a few roars. "Whassat!?" they said in unison. Then, a beast with blue fur appeared before them, making an attempt to claw them. They screamed in shock and ran for their lives, while avoiding the attacks of the beast’s hands and claws. It chased them and growled angrily.

"Damn! Is Xelas sending this beast to eat me!?" Xelloss yelled angrily. "I have no idea!" Shilfiell answered. Then, Xelloss stopped and grabbed her in an embrace. She blushed wildly "What are you doing!?" she said in alarm. Xelloss stopped running and faced Shilfiell to the beast. "You’re hungry? Eat her!" he told it.

Shilfiell was frozen. "NANI!!!!??? Xelloss-san, what are you saying!?" she screamed hysterically in panic. Xelloss held her still. "Just hang on, Shilfiell-san. It won’t hurt, I promise!" he whispered.

She was about to cry, she knew she wanted no part of Xelloss’ companionship because he’ll just use her just like what he’s doing now. "He’s gonna feed me to the beast so that his life would be spared! Oh Water Dragon Queen… please help me!!! I beg of you!!! I’m gonna die in the hands of a damned mazoku!!!" she prayed in panic. She closed her eyes as the beast opened its mouth, ready to gobble her up. Then, to her and the beast’s surprise, Xelloss teleported with her, leaving the beast.

They appeared again in a cave in the forest far from the place. He let go of Shilfiell and she was trembling in shock and fear of what happened. Xelloss closed his eyes and smiled. "Scared you, huh? Don’t be such a fraidy cat! I just tricked the beast!" he told her while laughing. Then, she clenched her teeth and slapped, slapped, slapped his silly face. He stopped laughing and held his cheek. "Ow…" he muttered to himself, minding the pain.

Shilfiell frowned and began to cry, her whole body still shaking in fear. She leaned a forward and pounded her trembling fists on his chest. Xelloss realized what he had done. He listened, speechless, to her sobs and screams which echoed throughout the walls of the cold, dark cave. " Xelloss, I hate you!!! You damn mazoku! You scared me to death! You almost killed me! Then you’re laughing!? You oughtta get cursed by the heavens! You shit! Fuck you! God damn you! Curse you! I hate you!!!" she screamed angrily in between her sobs and cries.

Xelloss stared at her in disbelief, watching her tears falling continuously like a waterfall from her beautiful green eyes, while her mouth let out strong words: curses which struck him so…

Then, she stopped and lost consciousness; she fainted.

She fell forward, her head resting on his chest, Xelloss felt still for a second then held up his trembling hands and put his arms around her tightly. Then, he felt some tears stinging his eyes, so he let them fall. He knew at that instant that what he did was wrong. Only then did he realize how to know if he’s right or wrong. "I should learn somehow… to be careful…" he thought. He caused her fear and tiredness. "Would she still trust me after all I’ve done to her?" he asked himself, his hold of her tightening even more. "I’m sorry, Shilfiell…" he said softly, not caring if she’s unconscious.

Then, Xelas Metallium appeared behind him. "Xelloss," she began.

Xelloss didn’t want to let go of Shilfiell, facing Xelas with tears. "Master… what am I doing?" he asked, somewhat confused. Xelas stared at him, studying his face. She had not seen him cry for several years. "I don’t know… what do you think… how do you feel?" she asked. "Is this… what humans call… love?" he asked, loosening his grip on Shilfiell, letting her slide down and lie by his feet, still unconscious. Xelas closed her eyes, opened them again and said in a monotonous tone "It’s up to you…" she answered before teleporting.

Xelloss knelt down before Shilfiell and stared at her tired face. "I’m sorry, Shilfiell…" he thought bitterly.