Adventures of Xelloss and Shilfiell


Xelloss was walking around his bedroom in Xelas’ domain. "I just need more money… how can I get it?" he asked aloud. He sat down on the floor and looked up, opening his eyes. "She just gives me some salary which is not enough… Even though she gives me G10,000 every 3 weeks, I still think I deserve to receive more than that! Since I am her one and only minion, I should get 30,000!" he thought.. "Maybe times two since she’s making me spy on Dolphin…" he continued. Then, Xelas appeared before him. "so, you’re here all along." She said.

Xelloss stood up, eyes opened. "My mistress, couldn’t you double my allowance?" he asked.

"If you want money, get to work and stop lying around here all day doing nothing at all." She answered sternly. "But how?" he asked. "What a question! Xelloss Dear, get a job in the human world. Go be a waiter." She said. "A waiter!? How ridiculous!!!" he wailed. "Don’t say something bad about being a waiter. It’s a decent job, if you ask me… more decent than being an owner of a prostitution house… would you like to be one?" she asked. "I wouldn’t dare become an owner of a prostitution house, my mistress." He answered, looking away, feeling sheepish. "Good, or else I’ll kill you. I don’t want any dirty minions." She said, turning away. "If you add up your job’s salary at the human world with my salary, then you’ll get more than 10,000." She said. "Great idea, but are you allowing me to work?" he asked. "Of course, I am." She answered with a smile. Xelloss closed his eyes. "That was brief… thank you Xelas." He said and with that, he teleported.

Xelas shrugged. "At least, he’s gonna learn to be responsible and independent. He’s gonna learn to stand up without me." she said to herself.

* * *

Xelloss appeared in Saillune in Amelia’s study room. Amelia was startled to see Xelloss there, "Xelloss-sama!" she said.
"Amelia-san, maybe you could help me find a job? I mean, a DECENT job." He said. Amelia stood up and smiled. "I’ve got just one for you, Xelloss-san!" she said. "But you’ll have to travel to different countries." She continued. "I’m not making you look like an employment agency, am I?" he asked. "Not at all, I don’t mind. After all, we really need someone to do the job." She said. "Well, what’s the job?" he asked. "Dad will pay you G100,000 if you succeed in finding my sister and finding the hidden treasure of our family which my mom hid before she married my dad." She said.

Xelloss opened his eyes. "Ooh… treasure hunting… interesting…" he said. "Don’t worry, you won’t be doing it alone." She said. "Huh?" he asked. "You’ll be travelling with someone. She volunteered to my dad that she’ll help. Just come back here tomorrow so that you’ll meet her. Don’t worry, she’s such a good friend of mine! She also knows Lina-san." Amelia explained.

Xelloss looked up and bit his lower lip. "Hmm… a female… is going to travel with me?" he said with a smile. "Now don’t think of anything malicious, Xelloss-san! She is a priestess." Amelia warned, knowing what he’s thinking. "A priestess? Like Filia-san?" he asked. "Very different from Filia-san." Amelia answered, walking towards the window and opening it.

"When are you traveling with Lina-san again?" he asked. "They’re coming this afternoon. They’ll spend the night here and then we’re off tomorrow." She answered. "Just say ‘hi’ to Zel, Gourry and Lina for me." he answered. "Anytime…" she answered.

* * *

The next day, Shilfiell arrived at the palace of Saillune at the gate and there was Filionel with Xelloss.

"Your highness! I’m here!" she said as she stopped running when she approached them.

Xelloss stared at her. He raised an eyebrow. Shilfiell looked at him. "Who’s he?" she asked Fil. "Shilfiell, I’d like you to meet Xelloss. He’s your companion." Filionel told her.

Xelloss reached out his hand. "Nice to meet you, Shilfiell-san." He told her. She smiled shyly and took his hand and shook it. "Same here, Xelloss-san." She answered.

She let go of his hand and Filionel reached for a picture of the Saillune Family. "See the queen of Saillune?" he asked the 2. Shilfiell and Xelloss looked at the tall woman beside Filionel. "She’s pretty." Shilfiell answered. "My daughter Gracia has the same features. She must be looking like her mother nowadays since I’m sure she’s already a grown-up young lady. Let this picture be your guide." He told them.

Xelloss got the picture. Filionel got a map and handed it to him. "Take care, Xelloss and Shilfiell." He told them. "Don’t worry, your highness, we’ll do the best we can." Shilfiell told him.