Internet Terms

Well i desided to make something that might be usfull to some people, so heres some terms as i know them, some are obvious

Heres the Abbreviations

afk = away from keyboard

aka = also known as

bbs = be back soon

bc = because

bf = boy friend

brb = be right back

bs = bull shit

btw = by the way

dl = down load

gf = girl friend

gtg = got to go (also g2g, and g/g)

h/o = hold on

jk = just kidding

j/w = just wondering

irl = in real life

lol = laugh out loud

nm = nothing much/ never mind

np = no problem

rofl = rolling on floor laughing

roflmao = rolling on floor laughing my ass off

rotflmho = rolling on the floor laughing my head off

ttfn = ta ta for now

ttyl = talk to you later

w/ = with (whatevers past the /, besides w/e)

w/e = whatever (an exception to the one above)

w/o = without

w/u = with you

wb = welcome back

wtf = what the fuck

Other ways of spelling words (there ussually easy to figure out)

0¢ = senceless

2 = to, too, two

b4 = before

cya = see you

kewl = cool

kul = cool

l8r = later

luv = love

o i c =oh, I see

plz = please

qt = cutie

thx = thanks

u = you

y = why

And pictures you can make with the letters, use your imagination, you you can make up your own, there are some that i know that i wont put on here cause i dont think their appropriate,

@)~~}~~ one type of rose

@)-,--'--- another rose

@|///////////)========================> a sword

¿=- a gun

Here are little things that are easy to make (yea i know that they do get repeditive and there are more, but i'll wait a little bit before putting them all on. Dont forget you can allways put noses on them or do them in reverse.)

smiles = :) :} :] :D :> =) =} =] =D =>

flirty = ;) ;} :*

sad = :( =(

mad = ;( >;(

other = :p :Þ :b =P =Þ

celebrities (can you guess?) = @@@@:| ?;p

side ways writing, look at in reverse as the faces




I was going to put in some letter art but it is too hard to figure out how to line them up in this with people having different resolutions on there monitors so i'll figure it out later, dº¿ºb

If you know any more abreviations that i just for got please tell me, or if you have any other coments my email address is: or you can click on the letter to email me.
