okay, heres the basics....
i'm 19, i'm a male, and i'm from NJ.... oh.. yeah and my name is Chris
i am a quazi goth.. quazi punk.. and quazi metal head...
I attend college at NJIT in Newark New Jersey. I am currently single and plan on staying that way, but i dont mind chilling with punkies or goths. Anyway... although my name is Chris, it has been determinded that there are too many people on this earth that have that name. So it was either kill everysingle other one of them, or just refer to myself as 'Psycho' so as to eliminate any confusion as to which Chris is which. In all seriousness, 'Psycho' is my nick name.
One might wonder, 'how does someone get a nick name like that.'
Its pretty easy, climb a stop sign and start randomly shouting 'YOU CAN NOT PASS' and people will start looking at you funny.. or hang a strobe light out the 6th floor of a dorm just to see if it will destract the people who occupy the room below you. Or.. well.. just be yourself and have fun with life.. cause if you dont.. YOU WILL DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Honestly, actually, that doesnt matter.. you are going to die eventually anyway.. so learn to live it up a little.
if you really want to find more about me you can read my journel which is updated every so often, just click on the picture