"A single dream is worth a thousand realities..."

Fantasy has been one of my passions since my grandparents 
introduced me to the world of Pern through the books of Anne 
McCaffrey.  I went on to enjoy many other worlds..the most 
recent, and my favorite being Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time
series and Terry Goodkind's Sword of Truth series.

This site is dedicated to my love of fantasy.. including writings, 
poetry and artwork, as well as backgrounds, roleplaying 
logs and MUD building and coding resources.  I hope you enjoy. 
If you have a fantasy story, poem or piece of artwork you'd like 
to share, or would like a link to your site on my links page, 
please email me.

Bios, pictures, backgrounds etc of characters I've played.
A collection of short stories I've written. 
Poetry and songs I have written, mostly fantasy related, or 
written for characters I've played.
A series of character sketches I've drawn over the years...
RP Logs
Roleplaying logs of my various MU* characters
Links to Wheel of Time type stuff as well as others I thought 
may be of interest.
MUD building, coding, RP'ing... etc.
Others Work
In the future to be a place for amatuer writings, poetry, art 
that is not my own.
Historical Resources
Some good reference sites for writing, research, character
development and building.
Visit other fantasy sites by travelling through one of my 
Coterie of the Dragon Webring
My own webring for original fantasy sites.
Read my Dreambook!
Sign my Dreambook!
[AD: Dreambook]

portrait by jonathan earl bowser


All art, poetry and other writings on this site are the property of the artist/authors and are not to be used without their consent. Thank You.