Star Wars Link Exchange Network: Jawa Trader


December 12

There's two new Phantom Menace wavs up!
defiance.wav and agree.wav in the Jedi Council section.

December 8

This isn't a real update, sorry for misleading you. I just added the Jawa Trader banner exchange stuff. But don't worry, I haven't forgotten the wavs. Honest!

November 29

Having watched ANH and ESB on Saturday, I realized that a couple of my Luke and Obi-Wan wavs weren't ordered quite right. So I fixed that, and also got the Han Solo wavs posted!

November 13

About time I updated again. :P
Chewbacca wavs and lightsabre wavs are up! Han Solo wavs should be next, I think.

October 12

Luke and Obi-Wan Trilogy wavs are up, and the rest should be following shortly!

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