Welcome, to a page all about me. So without any further ado......

My PC Corner Page.

My BattleTech Page.

Name: Dieter ' The Scorp '
Age: 22
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 135lbs or 61 kilos.
Eyes: Dark brown.
Hair: Very dark brown with a silver stip on the right fringe.

Hobbies: Comics, anime, comp games, arcade games, PSX games, cartoons, drawing, Magic: the gathering.... etc, etc.

Favourate Anime: Gunbuster: Aim For The Top!!

Favourate Manga: Maison Ikkoku, Gunsmith Cats ( Which i cant get no more cuz my supplier gone missing!! )

Favourate Artists: Kenichi Sonoda ( Gunsmith cats ), Urusei Yatsura ( Lum, Ranma 1/2 ), Adam Warren ( Dirty Pair, Bubblegum Crisis), Masamune Shirow ( Ghost in the Shell, Dominion Tank police, Appleseed ).

Favourate Movie: All the Starwars movies.

Favourate Actor: Harrison Ford, Mark Hamill, The Sutherlands.

Favourate Character: Rally Vincent.

Favourate Anime Character: Leona ( Dominion Tank Police ).

Favourate Amercian Comic Character: Terra ( The Teen Titans, old version ).

Favourate Amercian Cartoon: Donald Duck ( 50's to 60's version ).

Masamune Shirow' art.

Kenichi Sonoda's art.

Adam Warren's art.



Me 2002

Merry Christmas!!!

Happy New Year!!!

Congrats Jab!! Welcome back!!!!

BigFoot's banner.

Email: Reddrago@hotmail.com