The portal opens and drops you a few feet before you feel something supporting your body.  Your eyes ache with the sudden glare of objects far away from you as you entered this new place.  You blink and refocus your eyes...only to see nothing but space.  Confused, you turn your head and look around around you.  There is no sky, no trees, no grass, no ground...nothing but whirling nebulae and stars sparkling in the distance and a faint outline of a planet below.  You panic and thrash your arms and legs, certain that you are going to fall to your death when a figure decends and lands a few yards in front of you.  It's a unicorn anthro...a very oddly colored unicorn anthro.  It turns it's gaze on you and whirls the energy ball it has produced on one finger.
"Quit being silly.  I know what you're thinking.  I don't eat travelers...I don't know where they've been."
The anthro chuckles and folds her wings down against her back.
"I know, bad joke.  Forgive me," the anthro smiles, or what you hope is a smile.
"Oh, shame on me.  I should introduce myself!  I'm JadeEye, or if you want my FULL name, it's JadeEye, Keeper of Insanity.  You've fallen into my realm, fortunately, and not the neighboring ones."
You wonder what she means by that but before you can ask, she's spreading her wings and lifting into the air.  She rises a few yards, then dips down towards you again.
"Ah yes, I forgot....if you want to explore, please wait for the portals.  Each portal is labled with the name of the place it will take you.  Most of them lead to the planet below us," she points with a claw.  "The only thing I ask is that you do NOT feed the animals."
She grins again and quickly rises out of sight.  Your attention turns to a number of portals blinking in and out of sight.