On the Brink....

You are about to enter "The Distance Between".  There are rules that you and all those who are passing through must know and follow.
JadeEye is (c) by Raychelle Noel
Many thanks to Kreedan for drawing this lovely personea picture for my use!  JadeEye is (c) by Me, Raychelle Noel
Upon entering, you agree to the following:
1) You will not take, edit, adopt out, use without permission, or otherwise change the appearance of the pictures that are posted on this site.
2) You will not claim any of the work you adopt as your own creation.
3) You will link back to the appropriate part of the site when you adopt.
4) The images you adopt may not be placed in any page rated over pg-13, in a clip art collection, or to be adopted out  on your own.
5) You will upload images to your own server.
6) Any violations in the above will result in banning from adoptions for an undetermined amount of time.  This is not limited by only the above rules.

I Agree

I Disagree