Victuals |
n: pl; Little morsels of Victoria |
Here are the things that have made me who I am. Whether by influencing my creativity, my thoughts, or my way of life. For to really understand anyone, one must know the things that affect them the most... |
One of my first loves was books. The written word is so powerful and able to change the way a person sees the world. Here are some of my favorite books: As a Child: As an Adult: The First Two Lives of Lukas-Kasha Jack of the Kinrowan, Dreams Underfoot By Lloyd Alexander By Charles de Lint The Taran Series - also by L. Alexander Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austin The Narnia Chronicles - C.S. Lewis Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte Hans Christian Andersen The poetry of William Blake Asterix Comics Emily Dickenson The Girl With the Silver Eyes Alfred Lord Tenneyson Half-Magic Series Changeover, Memory, Catalouge of the The Velveteen Rabbit Universe - Margaret Mahy |
If eyes are the window to the soul, then what one chooses to view with them must affect their heart. These movies, though not all life-changing, are some of my favorites:
Oh, My Goddess Series The Adventures of Baron Munchausen Labrynith The Crow Fried Green Tomatoes Dangerous Liasons Forrest Gump A Little Princess Dead Poet's Society Disney's Beauty and the Beast Neverending Story Stargate Say Anything... Star Trek - First Contact The Boy Who Could Fly |
Music is the passion of life. It tames the savage beast and uplifts the spirit to the heavens. Here is a small sampling of the music I look to for inspiration:
Enya Sarah McLachlan Loreena McKennet Peter Gabriel Mannheim Steamroller Fresh Air 1-5 Bach Jay Scott Berry Handel Jean Michel Jarre - Revolutions Grieg Celtic Odyssey - By Narada Vivaldi Tori Amos Simon and Garfunkle Jethro Tull - Heavy Horses and Songs From the Woods |
My relgious beliefs have also greatly affected my life. Having been a Christian for the better half of my life, it was with great relief that I found my true calling "home" in paganism. There I find wonder and magic in the natural world around me, while still being able to fully appreciate my beliefs in karma and reincarnation. I also enjoy the traditional "Old Ways" but do not practice magic, as I believe the emotions of the heart are more magical than any spell I could cast. My Spiritual Totems are: The Stag - for inner wisdom and pride. The Tiger - for inner strength and patience, not to mention playfulness... |
Miscellany |
My other methods of idle entertainment include: RPG's that I play: Champions and a world I created called CyberNarn that also uses this game's rules; White Wolf's Changeling; Earthdawn by FASA; G.U.R.P.S. by Steve Jackson. Past-Times: Writing: One of the things that I have done since I was about 8 yrs. old is write. From the moment I learned how to tell stories, I have written them down. I love the freedom of being able to create my own worlds, people and images and put them down for others to see. Crafts: Idle hands I certainly do not have. Between crocheting, sewing costumes, quilting and making gnomes and jesters to sell at craft fairs, I also enjoy cooking and baking. Drawing: I have always enjoyed the visual arts and have been blessed with the talent for drawing. Though I don't always have the time or inspiration, I have always enjoyed what I produce. |
For more about me, click here. |
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