Madelyne Pryor

Real Name:Madelyne Jennifer Pryor
Age:About 25((physically)), 15((mentally, but acts like a 25
year old))
First Appearance:Uncanny X-Men#168
Creators:Chris Claremont, Paul Smith, and Nathaniel Essex
Relatives:Nathaniel Essex((Mr. Sinister, "father"/creator)),
Scott Summers((Cyclops, ex-husband)), Nathaniel Christopher Charles Summers
Dayspring Askani((Cable, son))
Mutant Powers:Telepathy and telekinesis inherited by her body
template, Jean Grey.
History: Nathaniel Essex stole a tissue sample from a ten-year-old
girl named Jean Grey
. He brought it to his laboratory to create a
"Jean Grey" of
his own. He forcegrew her into adulthood. She was a failure, until one night,
the same night the
Phoenix commited
suicide on the moon. It brought Madelyne to life. She was sent to Alaska
and became a pilot with false memories. She met a mutant named Scott Summers((aka
Cyclops)) on one of her flights. They became lovers and eventually got married.
Little that Maddie known was that Cyclops only married her because she resembled
his "dead" girlfriend,
Jean Grey. They
also had a son and named him, Nathan Christopher Charles Summers. Maddie
called him "Nathan", but Scott called him "Christopher" because that was
the named of Sinister. A few days later, Cyclops received a phone call from
Angel. He told Scott that Jean was alive. He left his wife and son. This
changed Maddie's life and personality forever.
The Marauders had gunned her down and kidnapped her son(Uncanny X-Men#215) in San Francisco and was rushed to the hospital(Uncanny X-Men#206). She called the X-Men and asked her to see why Scott had left her. The Marauders had been in the hospital and came in to kill Madelyne. She was saved by the X-Man, Rogue. She flew Maddie out of the hospital, but was ambushed by Polaris. She was later saved by Longshot and stayed with the X-Men for about 20 issues. Maddie even died with the X-Men in the Fall of the Mutants(Uncanny X-Men#227).
Madelyne and the X-Men operated in Australia. She pulled her weight on the team by operating their computers and gathering the news while they were off on missions. One night after shopping for food and getting a new outfit and hairdo(Uncanny X-Men#232), she entered the computer complex center of the X-Men. She drew their "calling cards" for the people to remember them by after the mission was over(it had an eight-pointed star). Minutes later, Madelyne had saw Jean Grey and Cyclops on TV. She realized Cyclops had left her becaused that "ressurrected cow" was alive and punched the computer screen. The computer had a defense system and put Maddie unconscious.
In her dream(Uncanny X-Men#233-234), Cyclops steals everything from Maddie and gives it to Jean(including her eyes, hair, nose, you get the picture). She wanders around the desert. There are two paths. One to some place and one back to the X-Men's headquarters. She chooses the other path. Madelyne trips over a bull skull and falls in a hot spring. Her body parts return and a big purple guy helps her out. He introduces himself as S'ym. He shows the Maddies Maddie has yearned to be. He offers her a chance for her to gain revenge on Cyclops. Maddie says she loves Scott. S'ym stabs her in the heart with the evil Maddie nail of his and she is asleep the rest of the issue.
Weeks later, Madelyne and her friend, Jennifer Ransome were kidnapped by the Press Gang of Genosha(Uncanny X-Men#235-238). During an interrogation, she slaughters the interrogation team. In her mind, the interrogation had been 13 seconds. Her mind was in a seductive, yet demonic costume and she warned the telepath, "Be careful when you light a match. Even if only to light the way through the darkness. 'Cause you'll never know when you'll ignite an Inferno". She and Jenny are saved and she starts to seduce Havok.
After a date with Havok(Uncanny X-Men#240), Madelyne(now Goblin Queen) teleports to the St. Stephen Cemetary. At Jean Grey's grave. She telepathically plays her marriage to Cyclops. When she hears, "I do", she yells "Liar", blames Jean and smashes her grave to bits. Jean Grey's parents saw Madelyne and thought that was their daughter. Madelyne transformed them into her slaves. N'astirh assists her and they are teleported to Nebraska. There, she fights Mr. Sinister(founder of the Marauders and leader) and finds out that she is a clone of Jean Grey(Uncanny X-Men#241) and Sinister had created her. She defeats him and goes to New York. She fights with X-Factor and becomes Maddie again. Then X-Men vs. X-Factor. She reverts to Goblin Queen, convinces Havok to become her Goblin Queen, rides in a carriage to the Empire State Building and plans to sacrifice her baby in order for Limbo and Earth to merge as one. X-Men and X-Factor then join forces to save Nathan, Jean, and Havok. Jean fights Maddie. Maddie dies(X-Factor#38) and the Inferno effect on New York fades. Madelyne's soul merged with Jean's and would be extracted from Jean(X-Factor#40-something).
Madelyne is then brought back to life by Nathan Grey(X-Man aka genetically created of Jean Grey and Cyclops' cells of a different reality)(X-Man#4 or #5). She ditches him and becomes an apprentice of Selene. She kills Threnody and reunites with Nate, but fights Nate and Jean fight her and her would become the Black Rook of The Hellfire Club(X-Man#25). However, she has returned to Nate's side in battle. She and Nate are developing a relationship.
Links to the other Redheads
Jean Grey|Phoenix/Dark Phoenix|Rachel Summers
Maddie's Gallery
Maddie(Not yet up)