Blades of Law

The AxeThe Sword


The Dagger


June 2, 2000

You guessed it! Another Roster update. Also got the Runnyeye Raid pics up in the Gallery. Give a thanks to Driftan and Pangor for supplying these hilarious shots of the fun. Still haven't been able to locate a Scythe.gif, anyone feel free to help me search please!

May 30, 2000

Yet another roster update.....and everyone give Konsagar a Welcome Back when you see him. He has been away for a bit, but he is back now. Welcome back bro!

May 24, 2000

Roster update again. I would like to add some more Pics, send them to me! I have added another from a funny adventure Nalyd and I had tonight. Keep in mind that as the hill giant fell, crazy Graycie had another Hill Giant and a Cyclops incoming!!!

May 18, 2000

Updated Roster and Picture Gallery. Also added a Recruiting info link. I have been getting emails from people that evidently have been hitting our pages and/or talking to other members. These folks want to know how to join us, so I figured I would post a little info on that subject. If you get any such requests from this point on, kindly direct them to the "Join Us" link for the information.

May 11, 2000

Major Update today! Member Page is up!!! Check your email for the password to access the member page. If I don't have your email, please get it to me asap, along with your roster info as stated on the roster page. LOL, none of the links work yet, but I plan on getting a few of them going today still... Maps are up, got about 20 or so uploaded. Check them out and send me some if you have ones that I do not!

May 9, 2000

Minor update -- Picture Gallery is up, but not many pics in it! Also, one small me find a Scythe .gif file, it is the only Blade missing from the page...

May 9, 2000

Greetings Blades! This temporary site is up for the purpose of giving you access to the guild charter and roster. Deviant's contest as stated on the board is still go, I just wanted everyone to be able to get to our documents and rules. The Members link, and the Picture link are still down, please be patient as I have just started teaching myself HTML yesterday!

A Bit O History...

Guild History

The Blades of Law was created on the Povar server on the night of July 27, 1999. Since then we have undergone many a metamorphosis, from small friends guild, to large power guild, to huge chaotic guild, and finally to a small-mid size family guild. Hopefully aside from a slow growth, we will remain as we are now: strong, close, and loyal. We now have a new recruiting policy which will allow us to retain our close-knit relations with all of our members, including the new ones. If this policy seems too harsh, well maybe for some it is, but for those that desire to be a Blade of Law, you will be noticed, you will be watched, and if you are true, you will become one of us...

Excerpt from the Guild Charter concerning recruitment...

Recruiting and Enlistment

In the initial stages of guild development our recruiting policy was very loose and general. Due to our growth, and a few problems, we have decided to institute a two week probation period applicable to all new recruits. Provided that an officer is available, the new recruit may be given his guild tag. New recruit probation is equivalent to the probation listed under the Scythe, so newbies would be wise to tread carefully for the duration of their probation.

Any guild member may petition someone for membership to any High Councilor or other official. Such petitions will be honored provided that at least two other guild members, one an officer, vouch for the new recruit AND the petitioning member is in good standing with the High Council. Presently, we are open for enlistment. This may change in the near future and if it does all guild members will receive notice. All guild members are in good standing unless the Tribunal has decreed otherwise.

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