Tramping Photos

These are photos taken on tramping trips at various times.


Some tramping club members (from the Hutt Vlley Traming Club) doing some ice climbing as part of an alpine instruction course near the summit of Mount Ruapehu.

Powell Hutt at the time of it's opening in March, 2000. Powelle Hut is located high up on Mount Holdsworth, in the eastern Tararu Ranges, North Island, New Zealand. This is typical of the mountain accomadation provided for trampers (hikers) in the mountain areas of New Zealand. Accommadation is usually spartin but very functional and cosey.

Muller Tarn, in the Freyberg Range, South Island, New Zealand. The photo was taken in October 1999. At the time there had just been a snowfall, some of which is still visible in the photo. The trees on the left are beech (Nothofagus) trees. The tarn (mountain lake) lies at the edg of the tree line.

Mount Technical veiwed from the Freyberg Range at dawn at October, 1999. Low morning cloud and fog fills the valley leading up to the Lewis Pass.

This is typical New Zealand bush. Someone seems to have had the energy to carry a roadsign up the hill.

This is the summit od Kapakapanui, a 3000 foot peak in the southern Tararua Ranges in the southern North Island of New Zealand.

This is a wide angle shot of the Tararua Ranges as seen from the summit of Kapakapanui. In this view we are looking north with Mitere Peak in the distance on the middle left and Mount Hector (with a small amount of snow on it) on the right (above and slightly to the left of the tree stump in the foreground). The Tararua Ranges are a favorite recreational tramping (hiking) area for many people. shot of the western margin of Tasman Bay, which is in the northern South Island, near Nelson. The current shot is looking north. The location is about 10km north of Motueka.




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