Hi, these pages are still under construction
so keep checking back to see what I have put up. Also look for
PhoeniX Stitchery
for Fantasy, Celtic & Pagan Cross
Stitch patterns and Hand-Painted Needlepoint Canvases coming soon. My artwork
can be seen at: Mr.
Bill's Page: geocities/Area 51/ Hollow/4817

Forever Knight StoriesThis has been an obsession of mine since the made for TV CBS movie. My gut reaction to that was that they are going have to make a series out of this and they did with a new and very much improved cast and relationships between the characters. I started writing FK fiction in 1993 and had some stories published in "Nightbeat 2", but after the death of my father and other family problems that year and for several years afterward I dropped out of fandom and quit writing. I've just recently started writing again thanks to all the inspiration I've been getting from all the fanfiction sites. I haven't read a bad story yet. And I love all the different factions. Though you can gather from my story writing I'm definitely a Vachon fanatic, into Dark Perkulators, The Crew, Knighties, Nat Packers, and lean towards the Cousins.
My Forever Knight Stories Forever Is A Long, Long Time- A Forever Knight end of the 1st year novel- rated R.
Ancient Curses A sort of FKV4 story which takes place after Vachon returns from the dead and Nat is losing her struggle to stay mortal because of Divia's toxins in her blood. But LaCroix wants to help her adjust to her new life. Tracy's back too and with Vachon. Rated R.
NEW STORY 7/1/98!!! Love You To Death An ADULT Tracy and Vachon romance story.
COMING SOON--I Didn't Ask For Miracles Another longer Tracy and Vachon Romance Story--Is parenthood an option for vampires? Especially Vachon?
STORM A very dark Tracy and Vachon story--Tracy buries Vachon but he's not dead and she doesn't realize it.
NEW!!! A RED, RED RAIN IS FALLING-First season romance. Nat invites Nick to a cabin in the woods. Rated R OTHER FOREVER KNIGHT stuff:
FK CROSS STITCH PATTERNS of the cast and scenes, one sampler so far and a set of bookmarks. I also take requests for patterns you want to stitch.
Beauty and the Beast Stories AFTERMATH--A 3rd season Vincent and Diana novel with Elliot, Devin, Lena, Jamie-adult, Strange and Wonderful and Sad--A 2nd season Vincent and Catherine collection of short stories--adult, Caverns of the Darkest Night--A 2nd/3rd season Vincent and Catherine Black and White graphic novel comic book that goes off in a completely different direction. written in 1990 before the start of 3rd season (adult), As On A Darkling Plain--2nd/3rd season Future descendants of the Tunnel dwellers after a nuclear war-adult In the Heart of Darkness-Vincent and Diana adult short stories. ATANZI: Beginnings, and ATANZI: Settlement a sort of past Beauty and the Beast story, but set 700 years in the past. It started out as a sort of origin story, then it took on a life of it's own and now has nothing to do with the Beauty and the Beast Universe except that it has lionine humanoids and it's also rated adult.Also check out my Beauty and the Beast Art Gallery and Beauty and the Beast Cross Stitch Patterns at Caverns of the Darkest Night
Please email me any comments, gripes, or suggestions. Email me at either: BrdOFire@aol.com or brickle-macky@geocities.com
Also check out the geocities sites of my two sons that took two different approaches to web building:
Keith's is www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/7936/
Brian's is: www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Temple/9667/
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