This home page has the dubious honor of being the first website (so far) devoted to Spudboy aka the X-Files' own Special Agent Jeffrey Spender.
Special Agent Spender, who has appeared in three episodes so far, is the most likely replacement for Fox Mulder when David Duchovny leaves the show midseason next year.

Spender's qualifications:


Looks good in a suit

Is Cancer Man's son

Mother is UFO abductee

Short enough to look Scully in the eye

Spender is a natural born skeptic, just at the right time as Scully has become more receptive to the unexplained, neatly turning the tables after five seasons. Is he charismatic? No. Is he tortured? In his own way; his mother was abandoned by his father and she believes she was a UFO abductee. As a small boy, he was videotaped making a confession of his own abduction which he now disavows as a case of extreme suggestibility, and fears will be circulated to his superiors in the Bureau.

Recently, the Consortium assassin who botched Cancer Man's killing attempted to abduct and murder Spender's mother but at an alien sighting she was lifted into an unknown craft shortly before the witnesses were crisped to ashes. All witnesses, that is, except Dana Scully.

Spender holds Fox Mulder responsible for his mother's disappearance even though he outwardly refuses to believe. A chip on his shoulder the size of a small redwood, Spender also rebuffed correspondence from his father, who only recently introduced himself to his son. In an ironic twist, Cancer Man has finally become the next generation of Deep Throat, this time to young Spender, offering him 'access' to the truth.

No X-files website would be complete without fanfic. I'm working on my own but I need your contributions. Love him or hate him, I don't really care as long as it won't get my GeoCities site pulled. Any pics of him I can use legally or links to same? Let me know.

Information on Chris Owens, the actor who brings us Spudboy, is available here Email me at in the meantime.
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