This is Keyari. She is a Moon Elf in and RPG that I play. As you can guess I drew her myself. She is one of the best that I have done yet.
 Here is another picture of Keyari. This one I drew and I liked the pencil so much, I kept it that way. But I will come out with a colorized version.
 Here is a picture of Deed in a pretty flower background. Sent by a friend to my email adress.
 Here is a picture of Deedlit blowing you all a kiss hello. :p
 Here is an evil drow elf, ready to attack...chasing deed, and in league with pirotess.
 Here is Pirotess, standing ominously by the fire.
 Here is Deedlit with a big shaggy wolf like dog. I have no clue why, but what the heck...she looks cool just the same.
 Deedlit is the best high elf out there! As you can tell this shrine is toatally dedicated to deedlit...and a few other elves..but deed is definately the BEST!
 Deed looking pretty for parn at the dance....
 Pirotess looking very dumbstruck.
 Pirotess...umm...umm...well...this is Pirotess....
 Deedlit and Parn. Somehow, despite the snow, I don't think they are all that cold....
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