Here are a few pictures of a cat I used to have, Lucky--Warning picture intensive! At the bottom is a picture of another cat that owned me for a bit, Khar Pern and her friends,Tasha the domestic Rat (may she rest in peace-died 2000) and Miss Calamity Jane Kitty.
Lucky found me a decade ago and stole my heart.
Unfortunately he also ruined my living room so is no longer with me, he's now in a place where he can destroy to his little heart's content. :)
This is a picture of Lucky playing "king of the ladder":

And yet another picture of my former "child" going down the wrong way:
Here he is posing for the camera:
And here he is again, back "working" again:

Here's Max one of my current cat friends
Here's our other cat, called Princess for her attitude and her lording it over poor Max!
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