Otherwise, I'm afraid this will be the end of It's Only Forever.
Welcome to the Labyrinth. Where nothing is as it seems, and reality is an illusion.
You pause on your path toward the huge wooden doors, glittering with dewy remains. You are actually here...within the Labyrinth. You the reader. Yes YOU! The one reading this! The realization comes like an icy breeze, washing over you in numbing cold a moment. You'll have to face choices, puzzles and riddles yourself. This is no movie, and no slice of confectionary either. So brace yourself, clear your head and make your way into the gloved hands of fate.
Now, would you go Left,
The languid floating dancers, the silver sided ballroom, pearly white candles and gauzy drapes of silk over crystalline chandeliers that glitter like dream shards. The golden maned hunter who glides silently between gracefully poised figures like a wrath stalking his prey. You too can be a part of this, in the1st Annual Labyrinth Masquerade Online Ball. See above link for further information on how you can attend!.
Adopt a Goblin! Choose your very own messy, bratty, dimwitted, smelly kitchen utensil clad goblin from the hoard, and place him on your very own webpage!
=Leave Your Crystal
See Other Crystals
Goblins have been caught here, and none returned yet.
Collected Goblin King Pictures "The Jareth Galleries" ( As far as I can find, I have the most Jareth pictures in one location )
Production Notes. Amusing info on sets, character contruction and more.
Ever Wondered? Labyrinth Funnies Including new ground breaking research in the field of Goblinology: You Could Be a Goblin If...
What is Jareth to you? Was Sarah the victor of the story? Would Toby have been 'goblinized'? Take the polls and find out what other fans/goblins think.
Tiger On Vaseline:David Bowie's Ziggy Stardust Stage
Jareth's History
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