If you want to add your URL to my Links page, please email it to me. Last updated: Chronopia Links.
Helpful LinksThe Judge's Corner
Probably the most ambitious Chronopia Site on the Web right now. It is always under construction as it's owner known on the Forum as Firstborn Canuck updates it very frequently. The page already contains numerous rules for campaigns, tactical tips, and a Chronopia Forum. After his Firstborn Tactical Manual, Canuck as now written one for the Blackbloods too.
The Chronomancer
Like the Judge's Corner the Cronomancer's site is very new and is still under construction. But it already contains an art gallery, a tactical section, news on Chronopia and of course pictures of the Chronomancer's miniatures. Check out his new artwork pics. - they rock. He has two other sections about his Warhammer and WH40K armies too.
Tim's Chronopia Page
Tim is a fanatic Devout player and the owner of Dark Horse Hobbies. Therefore he often gets previews of varoius models and posts pictures of them even before they are in the Online Store. His Chronopia page contains pictures of his miniatures. But also tournament rules, short-stories, house rules and a Tactical Guide for Devout.
He uses many great proxies for figures that haven't been released yet (like the Risen) and you could do much worse than looking at them for an inspiration. Be sure to check out his Warzone and Warhammer pages too.
Tales from the Warzone
This page has just been given a major overhaul and now looks better than ever. Lot's of battle reports and pictures of Warzone and Chronopia miniatures.
Target Games
The makers of Chronopia and Warzone. Have a look at the Online Store if you want to see some pictures of their miniatures. Visit their Chronopia Forum, where you can annoy Patric and Mike (The Target Games Officials) with rules questions and talk with most of the owners of the above links and myself rather frequently.The RatNest Gamesite
They've got numerous sites for tabletop games (Chronopia, Warzone, Battlestorm, Star Wars, GW stuff, etc.) You can download an Excel sheet for army creation which is constantly updated.The Heimberg Gazette
The Gazette has a Chronopia and a Warzone section. They've also set up a Chronopia mailing list.Elven Tactical Manual
Indigo has just started this Tactical handbook for Elves. Contributors are welcome.
Mikey KHan's
A brandnew and very ambitious site. Mainly about the best army of them all (need you ask? :)).Keith the Wyrd's Page
Keith from Down Under has got a bit of a multiple personality. He can't really decide on any one (or two, or three for that matter) army. You can never be sure to whom you're talking: K. the Wyrd, the Dark Tusk, the Judge, the Weird (I think that's the real one), ...
Anyway this page contains nothing but pictures (lots of 'em) of his minis and proxys.The Stygian Abyss
Great Site! Contains lots of House Rules, new troop-types (including Rincewind and Cohen from the Discworld) and Reviews of the Chronopia books. Mr. Styx is also setting up a picture page at the moment.
This Cathegory contains all kinds of pages that give you guidelines, hints and tips for things like miniature painting, the creation of terrain, etc.Gaming Companies and Online stores
Pewter Miniature Painting Techniques
The title says it all really. You get information on what things to use, about various painting techniques and final details.The Adventurer's Club
Good articles on how to paint flesh tones, face, fur and metallics. General tips also contain information about painting teeth, eyes, jewelry and other tiny things. The articles have been written by Chris Smith who paints miniatures for Demonblade's Shockforce.TerraGenesis
Probably the best (known) site on terrain for table-top wargames on the net if you haven't been there yet, check it out as soon as you can. The suitability of each piece of terrain for a certain game system (GW games only) is marked. The WHFB stuff is probably best suited for Chronopia.
Casting Miniatures
A nice guide on how to cast your own miniatures and what materials to use.Gamers Web
A very good site among other things containing reviews of Chronopia and Warzone miniatures and books.Bartertown
If you want to sell some old miniatures or looking for OOp stuff, Bartertown is the place to go.
Miniature World Maker
An Australian company that makes very good wargames terrain and ships it all over the world for reasonable prices.
Lone WolfSites of Interest
Lone Wolf has made a Universal Army builder programm which you can order for 15$. You can also download a fully functional demo version which allows you to create forces up to 1200 points. The problem is that you have to create your army data sheet yourself. They can't supply one because of copyright problems. You can download a programm to create such sheets but it is text only. There is also a point&click upgrade on their site but (at least on my PC) it doesn't work.
Need some cheap GW - "proxies"? Then check out these guys. They are the makers of Shockforce and some of the models are veeeeery close to GW. Too close as a matter of fact. They have been sued by GW and you can even download the complete text of GWs accusations.
The Travelling Mage
An Online store that offersubelievable Discounts on all kinds of stuff.Armorcast
They made 40K- scale titans for WH40K. But GW has recently revoked their license. They will continued to produce the stuff until October the 1st. So get your models quick. They also make very good gaming terrain.War Zone Gaming Terrain Systems
Nice TerrainThe Drunken Dwarves
A small Internet store that offers very good discounts on Demonblade and Enigma miniatures.Dark Horse Hobbies
Tim and Mary's online part of their store. They lots of stuff and offer 20% discount on all Mail orders outside of Wyoming. They're also Heartbreaker Cartel Affiliated.
The Rogue Trader Cult
This is Tom Beliech's homepage dedicated to the "late" Warhammer 40K Rogue Trader game. Read all about GW past and GW today in his "Rogue Trader Rant" and enjoy his incredible humour section.
The game of Satan PageRole playing Games
About RPGs. No further explanations needed. Just read it and laugh. Be warned though: You need a very twisted sense of humour to like it. And, "Yes, this stuff is supposed to be funny." (The guy who made it is a roleplayer himself.)
Since I'm an avid roleplayer, I've added a section with RPG - links.FASA
The creators of Shadowrun (very cool), Earthdawn (not so cool) and of course Battletech. Shadowrun was the first RPG I ever bought and Battletech got me hooked to Tabletop Games. If you want to know, why I don't like Earthdawn, mail me and I'll tell you (He He).Wizards of the coast
Everybody knows Magic: The Gathering (yuck) and AD&D. These guys created the first one and bought the second one.The official Chaosium Inc. Homepage
If you like H. P. Lovecraft or Michael Moorcock this is the site to look at. Chaosium has made RPGs for both authors' worlds. Especially Call of Cthulhu is an incredible atmospheric game and is an interesting alternative to basic Swords & Sorcery stuff. (Ever played a Librarian or a University professor before?)GURPS
The Generic Universal Roleplaying System is a set of rules by Steve Jackson Games which you can use with just about every background. And of course there are also books that give you the necessary background information.
White Wolf
Their World of Darkness is the setting for games like Werewolf: the Apocalypse, Vampire: The Masquerade and Mage: The Ascension. You can dowload excerpts of new books, Character Sheets and other stuff. They've also got forums for their games. Only problem: They guy who is responsible for updating the page seems to be on constant holiday. Nevertheless: Their games are some of the best but beware: Most of the stuff is for experienced players.Blackjack's Shadowrun Page
Probably the best Shadowrun page on the web. 'nuff said. Go there and check it out.Palladium
The makers of RIFTS and the Palladium FRPG. If AD&D is a PC, than Palladium probably is an Apple Mac: Used by fewer people and has less fancy stuff, but better handling. On this site you can download the missing FRPG Character Sheets and there's also a FAQ and you can subscribe to a mailing list.FanPro
Fantasy Productions: The German distributor of Shadowrun, Earthdawn, Chronopia, Battletech and others. Also the new owner of DSA a popular German RPG.More Links
If you need more RPG links, go to this page.