"According to my projections, the source should be here within seconds, Michael." (K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.)
"All systems go, Michael!" (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"Are you alright, Michael?!" (The Scent Of Roses)
"Are you still thinking about Devon?" (Knight of the Juggernaut)
"But how can THAT be?!" (Knight In Disgrace)
"But if it's a trap, you'll be a lot safer in me..." (The Scent Of Roses)
"But Michael, we're a team!" (Knight In Disgrace)
"Computers are serious tools, Michael!" (A Good Knight's Work)
"Doesn't he ever give up???" (?)
"Does that mean you suspect me?" (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"Don't tell me you've forgotten already!" (Knight of the Juggernaut)
"Don't touch turbo boost. Something tells me you shouldn't touch turbo boost." (Lost Knight)
"Do we know eachother?" (Lost Knight)
"Good idea." (Lost Knight)
"Goodnight." (Pilot)
"Good thinking, Michael... I'll scan for microwave emissions." (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"Help....me....." (weakly) (Lost Knight)
"How Demeaning!" (A Good Knight's Work)
"I am monitoring several guidance systems, Michael!. This is an obvious trap." (The Scent of Roses)
"I am not qualified to overrule your wishes." (Pilot)
"I am the Knight Industries 2000. My serial number is Alpha Delta 227529. I am unauthorized to allow access to my Central Processing Unit." (Soul Survivor)
"I beg your pardon?!?!"(White Bird)
"I can't take another blow like that!"(K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.)
"I don't understand." (Knight In Disgrace)
"If I may be so bold, what on Earth were you doing down there!" (Lost Knight)
KITT shuts himself down and says, "I guess this is goodbye, Michael!"(A Good Knight's Work)
"I'll take care of the silent alarm, Michael." (Buy Out)
"I'm doing what I can, Michael! The feed is disrupted!"(K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.)
Michael:"OK, KITT... Scan the area for anything unusual." KITT:"I'm getting a false reading from my scanners, Michael. There must be a huge, unshielded electrical system nearby." (Knight of the Juggernaut)
"I'm right here, Michael!" (Buy Out)
"I'm sorry I frightened you earlier." (Lost Knight)
"I'm sorry, Michael, I have nothing to say." (A Good Knight's Work)
"I'm the property of the Foundation For Law and Government." (Knight In Disgrace)
"I project odds of a thousand to one against meeting a more compatible human that yourself." (Trust Doesn't Rust)
"Is something wrong?" (Lost Knight)
"I support endangered species, but this is ridiculous!" (?)
"I think I may have something..." (Lost Knight) (Good for mail sound??)
"I see your point." (The Scent of Roses)
"I suggest you keep your ample derrier off my hood!" (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"It must be a problem with calibration!" (K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.)
"I understand the request, but I will need a little time. These aren't simple calculations and evaluations." (The Scent of Roses)
"I've made contact..." (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"I wish you'd reconsider Devon's warning!" (K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.)
"Just remember, this is business, not pleasure." (Pilot)
"Kindly keep your paws to yourself, mister!" (?)
"Losing one's memory is so embarrassing!!!" (Lost Knight)
"Michael, Devon is calling".. Michael says, "Patch him through. Give it to me, I'm taking over"...Then the video phone noise, and Devon says, "Hello Michael!" (K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.)
"Michael, given the severity of the situation, I can no longer support your actions." (Knight In Disgrace)
"Michael, I am picking up a transmission." (Knight Moves)
"Michael, I am picking up a transmission, in a highly stylized dialect of the English language." (Knight Moves)
"Michael! Is that you???" (Lost Knight)
"Michael isn't crazy.. Not in the clinical sense, at least." (White Bird)
"Michael! I thought I'd never SEE you again!" (?)
"Michael! Michael! Stop it!!!" (The Scent of Roses)
"Michael, my scanners indicate that someone else is on the premises!" (?)
"Michael, someone is trying to gain access to me!" (?)
"Michael, this is all very confusing." (Knight In Disgrace)
"Michael, this is a very sophisticated operation. The old saying 'easier said than done' comes to mind." (Knight In Disgrace)
"Michael! Watch out! I'm picking up an ........ (gun shots)" (A Good Knight's Work)
"Michael, where have you been?!" (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"My sensors detect the electronic signal of a silent alarm." (White Bird)
"Nobody asked you!" (A Good Knight's Work)
"Not again!" (Knight In Disgrace)
"Not again, Michael... I have a headache." (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"Now that I've got my memory back, you can count on me!" (Lost Knight)
"Oh, shut up!" (A Good Knight's Work)
"On the contrary! I'm extremely interested in what you have to say!" (Knight In Disgrace)
"Really... All you have to do is look at the monitor!" (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"Remarkable, isn't it?" (Lost Knight)
"Right away, Michael!" (scanning noise) (White Bird)
"Scat! Skidaddle! Adios! Arriva Derci! Ciao! Aloha! Bug off!!!!" (Knight In Disgrace)
"To coin a phrase, I'm out of here!" (A Good Knight's Work)
"Thank goodness!!" (Knight In Disgrace)
(KITT:) "That could take all night, Michael!" (Michael:) "Not if we're lucky, pal... Not if we're lucky." (Knight of the Juggernaut)"
"That's illegal, Michael!" (Buy Out)
"There's no reason for increased volume. I am scanning your interrogatives quite satisfactorily." (Pilot)
"This calls for extreme measures!" (Knight In Disgrace)
"Ugh! Unforgivable!!!" (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"Under normal circumstances, I would have introduced myself first. But I'm afraid these aren't exactly normal circumstances." (Lost Knight)
"Very Funny!" (White Bird)
"Very Well..." (The Scent of Roses)
"Well, I'm glad you got THAT little matter straightened out!" (Knight In Disgrace)
"Well, it sounds like an accusation to me, Michael." (Killer K.I.T.T.)
"We're getting closer. The signal is progressively stronger." (K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.)
"What are you going to do now?" (?)
"What is it, Michael." (White Bird)
"What you do is sadly beyond my control. But I could not and will not aid in anything that could jeopardize a human life." (Knight In Disgrace)
"Where are we going!?" (Knight In Disgrace)
"You CAN'T be serious, Michael!" (A Good Knight's Work)
"You can't exist on a couple of hours' sleep, Michael!" (?)
"You *JUST* asked me that!"(K.I.T.T. Vs. K.A.R.R.)
"You'll have to learn to change your tone, Michael! I don't like being ordered about!" (Killer K.I.T.T.)
The following are .wavs from the episode "Killer K.I.T.T", where KITT was turned into a killing machine by some evil computer whiz-type dudes. Apparently when a computer is taken over by bad guys, it's natural for the computer's voice to turn evil-sounding as well!!!
"I understand. Ready to receive data. Commense transmission."
"Michael Knight sited. Attack mode engaged!"
"That's classified material, Mr. Knight. Your access has been withdrawn!"
"That system is not cleared for use."
Sound when Devon calls on the video phone. (In and Out)
"Nice face, cute figure. Two more legs and you'd look like Trigger." (This is "Mighty Mouth", the talking Teddy Bear from the episode "A Good Knight's Work.")