…make me blind when your eyes close…

Aisling Tiresias


Real Name:  Aisling Adler

Height: 5'10"

Age: 17

Hair: Black

Eyes: Milky While (blind)

Relatives:  Irenie Adler, aka Destiny (mother, deceased); father unknown



Powers:  Although blind, Aisling is able to see through the eyes of anyone within 100 yards.  Her psychic presence can only be detected by those with the highest telepathic abilities.  Once she's begun, she can follow her host for an infinite amount of distance, able to jump into the mind of anyone that host sees.  This allows her to telepathically spy on virtually anyone or anything, although she mostly uses it simply to make her way around.  Aisling also temporarily absorbs a victim's physical ability to see through touch.  This blinds the victim and allows Aisling to see through her own dead eyes.  The length of time depends on the length of physical contact and the process is extremely painful for the victim.  Too long can permanently blind the victim, but only give Aisling about a week's worth of sight.  A handshake could blind someone for an hour and give her a few minutes of sight.  Lesser undeveloped powers include the ability to see the past and the ability to see possible threads of the future.



History:  Given up by her mother, a powerful precog affiliated with the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants, Aisling lived a fairly normal childhood in poor urban Ireland.  Until the age of 7, she lived with a woman she believed to be her grandmother.  Once the elderly woman died, she was shuffled off to live with her strange and alcoholic uncle.  Aisling quickly learned how to take care of herself.  At the age of 12, her powers emerged and she found she was able to "see" people's pasts.  Often peeking into people's pasts for entertainment, she learned a terrible truth.  Her uncle was a terrorist in the IRA.  She confronted him and demanded he stop harming innocent people.  Enraged and drunk he attacked the girl, demanding to know how she had been spying on him.  The violent encounter left her partially blind and him in jail. 


Shuffled off to a dirty pathetic school for the blind, new abilities emerged.  The ability to see through other people's eyes.  Unfortunately, this ability was not much help when surrounded by other blind people.  After touching a teacher and leaving the woman temporarily blind, Aisling's mutant secret was out.  And so began a series of unfortunate events... the permanent loss of her vision thanks to a mutant-hating surgeon, running from several anti-mutant agencies right into the hands of the American government.  Kidnapped and forced to work as a spy to seek out other mutants, Aisling grew to hate humankind with a passion.  After escaping and living on the streets for a while (briefly among the Morlocks), Aisling met a strange man who suggested she go to the Tatumn Institute.  Skeptical, she went to see if the rumors were true.  Is there a place for mutants in this world?


Updates:  New a registered student at the Tatumn Institute, Aisling is experiencing the very beginnings of the precog powers the mother she never knew had.