Crystal Queen's Realm |
Come and escape the drudgeries of a normal, everyday life! Welcome to my realm, the Land of Visions. I am the Crystal Queen, or if you prefer, you may address me as Mistress Brianna. I am the Guardian of Crystals, both of their magic and visions. I am a born seer and healer, using both rakki and my music to allow those to find serenity and a sense of indentity in their lives. |
Many creatures live in my realm. Unicorns, dwarfs, sprites, and other strange creatures. Most of the time it is peaceful, but occasionally we do have dwarfs fighting with each other, or somehow the magic goes haywire. I am one of the six rulers of the Underground. The other five kindoms are the Kingdom of Fey, the Kingdom of Nightmares the Labyrinth, (which is more like the kingdom of goblins), the Kingdom of Trolls, and the Kingdom of Elves/Fairies. |
My favorite kingdom has to be the Labyrinth (although the kingdom of nightmares is close behind). The King of the Goblins, is well...let's say he is a very interesting ruler. Jareth just happens to be a very good friend of mine. I think the reason why I like the Labyrinth so much is because it's always changing. A true enigma. The majestic King Jareth likes to amuse himself by changing it constantly. Why don't you come visit his Labyrinth. It is a very interesting place to be. |
There are other places outside the Underground, that are very interesting to visit. One of them is Euphrania. Euphrania is the kingdom where the story of the Slipper and the Rose took place. |
I have a What's New Page for you to gaze into and see the new additions I've made to my realm. I also have an About Me page, which actually gives away more to the reality of my existence. |
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Please come back and visit me again, for I will update frequently. I would love to here your comments or suggestions about my page, so email me at crystalqueen@hotmail.com |
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