Gaji the Gremlin's Geocities Page

HEY! And welcome to Gaji's webpage...
this used to be the Gremlins links page... and still is. Here are the links :)
The Most Extensive Set of Links to
Gremlins sites you'll find anywhere:
On Mogwai and Gremlins
All the info could ever want on our species!
Yahoo! Gremlins Club
Discussion and pictures about Gremlins, Gremlins 2, and Gremlins 3!
The Gremlin
Adoption Agency
My cyberpet adoption agency featuring Mogwai and Gremlins.
Nick the
Nick the flasher Gremlin's page, let him hang out on your webpage and increase
traffic to your site! >:)
The Gremlin's Homepage
JP's page, with a fan club, news, and Gremlins the Series.
Gremlins Fanfic
A page of Gremlins fanfic (just the first issue so far but Shamrock assures me much
more will follow! :)
Gremlins Page
This page isn't finished yet, but it promises to be good when it's done :)
Andrew's Gremlins
A page with a few pics, a midi, and the Gremlins 2 nes game.
Atari Gremlins 5200 Manuel
A kind of strategy guide for the game.
Signs of the
The Gizmo Furby!
A German site, with Gizmo toys, Gremlins films and soundtracks. Very cute
stuffed Gizmos!
I haven't read this over in any detail, but it looks somewhat strange.
Frank Welker
The voice behind Stripe and Mohawk!
Furby Craze
Chris Columbus falls prey to the furby rush.
Gizmo World
The Gizmo collection of Yasuko Otani (in Japanese, but great drawings!)
Gremlin Leaders
Descriptions and ratings on Stripe, Mohawk, the Brain, etc.
Gremlins 2 nes game
A review of the Gremlins 2 game.
Gremlins and Furbies
Comparisons of Gizmo to the furby toy.
and Labyrinth
A page about Gremlins by an animal fanatic ;)
Gremlins Homepage
A page with a few pictures, it was meant to go somewhere but never did (I met the
guy who made it).
Gremlins In My Computer
A page about a dilemma that we are all prey to.
Gremlins RPG stats
A very interesting site I happened to run into!
Gremlins vs
A comparison of the Gremlins and the Norns (from Creatures 2).
vs Gizmo
A battle overview.
A page in (french?) about Gremlins.
A place to buy toys...but the link they have on there, there's a story behind
it...that USED to be the URL to the link below, however, when that site moved, I
took over the URL and quickly converted it into a "Gizmo's Homepage".
Neat, huh? :)
The Home
of Gizmo
A neat page about Gizmo.
An interesting page with behind-the-scenes stuff from Gremlins 2!
A short fanfic.
Joe Dante
A page about the director of the film Gremlins.
Justbetoys Gremlins
Jun planning's Gremlins toys (all Gizmo and Mohawk).
Kat's Creatures and
This page isn't up yet, but I thought I'd put the link here anyway :)
Meg's Gizmo and Gremlins
A great place to get Gremlins stuff! Very nice page, even if you can get it
all cheaper at ebay ;)
Mogwai Jungle
Alright, this site is tiny, and weird...but hey who cares :)
Creatures of the Night
A page about Gremlins, some pics.
A page about the Jun Planning Gremlins 2 toys (got the english version!!)
Gremlins 2
A short little page about Gremlins 2.
Plunger Monkey
Some dumb story, but it has Gremlins in it ;)
A javascript page, with an ecard service and links.
A page in Spanish (or something), information on Gremlins! Like my "On
Mogwai and Gremlins" page, it's for an RPG.
Really rather strange...the interviews are given by Giz...I got a kick out of it :)
A page set up by one of Nick's adopters :)
Gremlins Page
A fan page.
Download the virtual gizmo! And also some screensavers :)
Gremlins, Gremlins 2, Gremlins 3
Some pages at MSN communities.