Homepage was set up for my Mom. I started it on May 10, 1998 as
a Mother's Day project. When I set up the site, with Yahoo,
back when they had dedicated neighborhoods. I choose Area 51,
because she was the kind of thing she was in to then. I had the
idea that if I got it started she'd learn web page design and
take it over. So I made it mushy and pink, so not my Mom, that
she'd want to change it.
I was wrong. She liked it. |
Latest update: Sept.
25, 2000
It's been over two years later and time for the site to be
updated. I've keep the color scheme, but moved it to a more
appropriate neighborhood. This site used to be located in Area
51. Because, I thought she'd take over the site and devote it to
the paranormal or government conspiracies, maybe even both.
I was wrong she still
likes mushy stuff. |
November 3, 2003, this is the
next update of this site. The biggest change is the color
scheme. I couldn't take the pink and pansies any more, so we're
down to just pansies. Well, if she doesn't like it she can
learn web-page design, and maintain this her self.
While much has changed the
rest remains the same. |