"In a lonely place..." The Crow This website is dedicated to James O'Barr who gives me strength to fight another day, & Brandon Lee, who inspires me to live every day of my life to the fullest.

Rest in Peace, Brandon.

"One day you are going to lose everything you have. Nothing will prepare you for that day. Not faith...not religion...nothing. When someone you love dies, you will know emptiness...You will know what it is to be completely and utterly alone. You will never forget and never ever forgive."

"The lonely do not usually speak as completely and intimatley as James O'Barr does in this book - so if anything, at least take this lesson from The Crow. Think about what you have to lose."

-John Bergins' introduction to "The Crow"

"I shook hands with the devil
And looked him in the eye
He looked like a long lost friend"

- Van Halen: "Mine, all mine"

“Little things...used to mean so much to Shelly. I used to think they were kind of trivial.
Believe me...nothing is trivial

This statement is a reflection of feelings that surface from the small things our significant other probably doesn’t even notice, but those “little things” are what makes the sun rise for us every day. Too many times in love, people don't take the time to cherish the small things...until it's too late.

When someone you love is taken away from you, that is when you realize just how much the trivial things were a part of your life, things such as the way they would make you feel when they would touch your hand or smile at you.

The tragedy that spawned “The Crow” is something that no one should ever have to endure, but if James should ever see this page, I hope it will ease his sorrow to know that through his vision of justice for victims and the joys of true love found, many souls that were once considered lost forever have been saved. I can truthfully say that the pain my personal tragedies have been eased by reading James’ words. I can find strength to continue and a purpose to go on with my life.

Thank you, James.

"If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain unchanged?
If I close my eyes forever
Will it all remain the same?"

Lita Ford - "Close my eyes forever"

About James O'Barr

"Life goes on whether we like it or not, how we choose to live it is up to us."
--Dr. Judy Davidson

What matters in our lives is not what we can accomplish or the wealth we can accumulate. What good is wealth&fortune when you have no one in your heart? A person who lives one hundred years but has no one to share their life with has lived a hundred years of tragedys. It is a far better thing to die young with a heart filled with love than to live forever without it.

"I could take you in my arms...and never let you go"
Selena - "I could fall in love with you"

I've always believed that everyone has someone in their life that lives in their heart. Perhaps that person died as in James' case or perhaps things just didn't work out in the relationship. The relationship may be gone, but that person lives on in the heart, mind, & soul as does the love they shared with you. One doesn't realize the power of love until it seems that as long as the love survives, nothing else matters. Someone once said that you love someone when their happiness means more to you than your own . Buildings burn, people die, but real love does indeed, live forever.

"Accept the things to which fate binds you, and love the people with whom fate brings you together, but do so with all your heart." -- Marcus Aurelius

"Love is a feeling. It is not a choice. If we could choose who we fall in love with, it would be much more simple, but also much less magical."

Bekka's Page

Stories of Love

Click here to see pictures of my Brandon Lee as Eric Draven figure, assembled by myself, & painted by my close friend, Eric Johnson!

The Last Interview

Nemesis' Page

Realms of Disillusion

The Road Less Traveled

Faust's Page

Tim's World

Darksatin Dreamer's Crow site

Cassie's Website

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There have been lost souls to wander in the land of the dead

*The Crow and all it's characters, terms and likeness are registered trademarks of Pressman films. Use of such on these pages in no way challenges their ownership, nor is it meant to imply endorsment. This page was created to honor James O'Barr, Brandon Lee, & the millions of fans they both have around the world.

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