The Book of Shadows

Site Last Updated

September 2nd, 2003

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Charmed News
as of: 12/23

Merry meet, and welcome fellow Charmed fans. If you've been surfing the net a lot, then you're probably tired, so pick up a drink and enjoy what my site has to offer. If you've just come to this page in particular, I hope I have what you're looking for. If you have any comments at all, please don't be afraid to click my mail link and tell me so. IceX257

My most prestigious items on this site that you will not find, so complete, anywhere else, are:
1) My Book of Shadows section. Here, in its entirety is every spell and text taken exactly from the Book from each and every episode. I urge you to take a look into it, I'll be adding more as the show continues it's course, so the book is always growing.

2) My Sounds section. I recorded each and every sound and I'm always updating. Requests are always taken, so write in if ya want to hear something that isn't there.

Keep coming by for more updates to these sections and more each week. Enjoy!

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Charmed Fan Forever

Piper Halliwell

Sign my Dreambook! The Book Of Shadows Dreambook Read my Dreambook!

Click here to go shopping for Charmed merchandise. They have very nice items and more to come soon.

Here is a direct link to the T-Shirts section.

The Story behind Charmed.

What is Charmed and how has it begun again?

Listen in at my Sounds Page.

Sound Clips from random episode of Charmed await here, as well as the Theme Music.

If you like what you see so far, then keep going. However, if you don't or you're feeling ambitious, click the Halliwell house below to randomly travel to another Charmed related website.

The Halliwell Manor

Talk with, comment, or harass me, IceX257

Read around the Book of Shadows.

This section covers the spells and other items inside the Halliwell's Book of Shadows on Charmed.

See the Episode Guide.

Title, airdates and summaries for both seasons of Charmed. Summaries for Season 1 not up yet.

Read some Spoilers about the show.

WARNING!!! Do not click here unless you want to hear about episodes of Charmed before they air.

Check out the Nitpickers section.

Nitpicks from the show. If you have any, please send them in.

The Glossary of Witchcraft.

Definitions, references and sometimes pictures are available here. The glossary will focus on all terms on the show dealing with Witchcraft that I can find.

Head on in to the Voting Booth.

Make your voice heard by voting on some items about Charmed.

View my Character Bios.


Check out my Awards I've won.

Check out the awards my site has won. Links to these award pages are provided.

And finally...

View my Links page!!!

This list, once complete, should help you find anything you need dealing with Charmed, and some actual Witchcraft.

Hey, click this link to vote for my site as one of the best. That is, if you think it's worthy.

At last check, my site ranked: #05.

Hey, click this link to vote for my site as one of the best. That is, if you think it's worthy.

At last check, my site ranked: #03.

One Charming Site

webring is owned by IceX257 .
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The Book Of Shadows
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Legal Stuff (A.K.A: Copyright Laws): Charmed is a 1998 copyright and trademark of Spelling Television and the WB Network. I do not intend to infringe on any copyright laws. If I am, let me know and I will correct the error as soon as possible.

Copyright: December 12, 1998 IceX257-All information and miscellaneous material used on these web pages are copyrights to myself. If you wish to use any part or segment of these pages, then ask me for permission before using it. Do not alter the contents of these pages in any way. This page is not in any way affiliated with the WB. Charmed, the WB network and all other such related material is copyrights of Spelling Television and to the WB. Thanks, and I hope you had fun.

Charmed is being aired on the WB Network, Thursday nights at 9 P.M.

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