Patriotic and Military Pagans Page! |
This is my Patriotic Pagan and Military Pagan page, as I expand they may either split or remain together. I see both issues as very inner connected as the military reflects the society and vise versa. This page will include a lot of information about Military Pagans, Pagan Pride, and the Pagans Vote campaign. These are all political and military issues concerning the United States government, and may not be accurate or neccessary in other countries. If you want to undertake the responsibility to write a page devoted to your country which you would like to add to this space, feel free to ask or create your own page and I can link to it from mine. You will see many graphics on this page, they are almost all courtesy of the Alternative Religions Education Network. As always comments and questions are welcome. Enjoy! |
Pagans in the United States Military: The Readiness Issue |
The United States government has raised serveral questions in congress and in political arenas concerning Pagans and particularly Wiccans in the Military. The debate at first focused on the problems of a military community with such "strange" people. Congressmen stated that allowing Wiccans to practice in the Military would open the door for even more controversial religions such as Satanism and Devil Worship. Some even stated that readiness would be compromised by the non-conformist attitudes of Wiccans and their controversial nature with more "traditional" religious groups. One even said that Wiccans in the US Military would ruin our image worldwide. Later, after realizing that Wiccans were not causing any of the problems they were asserting, another argument was presented. That as Pacifists Wiccans should not be serving in the military, provided that we really follow our own rule, ie. The Rede which states "An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will." Now that I have told you want our opposition has said, let me clear a few things up. One, Wiccans have been serving in the US Military since the 1960's with no one every noticing any change in readiness or conflicts over their non-conformity. Second, Satanism is already allowed in the US Military according to their own rules and regulations which state all religions have equal access. I'm know for certain there are some Satanists in the military already, and have been far before there were Wiccans. I'm not going to get into the myth of the Devil Worshipping Cult here, however I will point out there is no organized Devil Worshipping "religion" and thus it will not be recognized by the military. Just like they don't recognize Elvis worship as a "religion" even though it exists. Third, yes, people do occasionally presecute Wiccans because of their beliefs, however to remove Wiccans because people are bigoted againist them is like removing African Americans because a Klu Klux Klan member doesn't want to work with them. The Bigot is what must be removed from the military system, not the victim of that bigotry. This is true of the Gay issue as well, yet the government has justified a policy which has resulted in more expulsions from the military than a simple blanket rule of no Homosexuals, for several years. This proves that the government is willing to bend to the desires of bigots in these matters, and thus Military Pagans must fight back. We don't need a "Don't Cast, don't tell" policy in our military! |
As far as Wiccans worshipping in the military ruining their image I want to point out two things. First, this country was founded on the ideal of religious freedom, allowing Wiccans in the military only reinforces the fact that we do follow our ideals even when they are controversial. In fact the controversy itself and the fight to have Wicca removed does far more damage to our image, which is of a state where freedoms are our rights, and people can be whatever they want to be. If we restrict our own military from doing something guarenteed under the first amendment then that freedom will slowly deteriorate for all of us. How many people can claim they do not have one idea or desire which at least one other person doesn't approve of? If we start judging our actions not based on freedom for all, but on a moral idea which one person or group of people devises then we will become not a democracy but a theocracy. If the conservative morals that some people would have dominate our society do dominant it, then religion will once again become the motivating force of our government. I have only one comment about that, the last time people mixed government and religion, people got burned at the stake. If anyone thinks that the middle ages with their cruel persecution of anyone different, and enforced conformity was better than the country we live in, I encourage them to create their own country based on exactly those ideals, where you will be controlled to someone elses idea of a perfect moral society. I think we all hold our own personal freedoms far to dear to choose that alternative, it is only those of others we are willing to sacrifice. So before you try and dictate morals, remember that you wouldn't appreciate someone forcing you to their ideal and stop before you hurt yourself and the great society we have built. As far as the issue of Pacifism, read the Ten Commandments and tell me why "An Ye Harm None" is more contrary to military service than "Thou Shalt Not Kill". Second, Wiccans do not follow strick rules of morality, a Rede is a suggestion not a Law, however we acknowledge that we take responsibility for all our actions and that the universe creates it's own justice. If a Wiccan has come to terms with the reality of military service, and are willing to take the punishment for their actions, then they will do what is required of them. If they have not, they will not join the military. Second, the large majority of military Wiccans I know are in the medical field because healing is tied tightly to our ideals. These people have choosen to be healers, and will likely never see combat or have to kill anyone. Thus the idea that our religion should be banned due to it's pacifism is not based on a true concern, but on a personal desire to see us removed. The Pacifism is just an excuse. It all boils down to one issue, if the first amendment guarentees religious freedom and we do not want a theocracy to replace our democracy, Wicca like all other religions, must be allowed the military whether conservatives like it or not. Seperation of church and state means all churches, and all government organizations, even the military. In order to ban Wicca, constitutionally, we would have to ban all religions! I don't think anyone wants to remove faith and morality from the military, I certainly don't. I'm a United States Navy wife, my husband is a practicing Druid, I am Wiccan.. As always feel free to send questions or comments my way. Sign my guest book and tell me what you think. Blessed Be! |
For More information about the Christian Boycott of the Army, until Wicca is removed, surf to The Ontario Consultants on Religious Tolerance. |
For more information on Pagans in the Military, Please surf to the Military Pagan Network via the link below. |
Pagan Pride, like all the other pride movements strive towards two goals, the first is to unify and strengthen the community, the second is to show a unified front to the opposition. In this particular case the "opposition" is actually ignorence and two thousand years of negative propagada aimed at destroying the religion and culture of pre-Christian Europe. There are those who stand againist religious freedom (unless it's theirs) but they are in the minority, the largest problem Wiccans and other Pagans face is stereotype and ignorence that results in people associating us with the modern myth of a devil worshipping and human sacrificing cult. That is not to say that some people do not practice devil worship, I'm sure there are, however the myth exaggerates both the numbers, organization, and nature of these people. In my personal opinion, most of them are probably young rebels trying to upset their parents or society and rebel againist the Christian community. They hear stories of this "cult" and do what they have heard as a form of religious practice. However, it is not organized like Levay's Satanism, and differs greatly from any established religion, traditional or not. We as a community are finally standing up and staying this is what we are, this is what we are not, and we aren't going anywhere. That is the meaning of Pagan Pride, and I hope to see a lot more of it in the coming Millenium. |
Pagan Pride International arranges meetings all around the world. Each September, near the fall equinox, local groups hold public rituals to educate, encourage activism, provide charity, and build Pagan community. To find out more, click on the Pagan Pride Day Logo. |
The Pagan Unity Campaign Political Action Committee was formed by Storm Bear Williams following the 2000 elections. It became clear to Pagans throughout the country that we as a group need a voice in washington, and the Pagan Unity Campaign is that voice. They participated in a highly successful Post Card drive to educate members of our government, and plan on additional work in the future including a Pagan Laws project to survey all national and local laws that effect pagans, and additional Post Card drives.
Visit the PUC-PAC by clicking on the I am Free, We are United graphic above! |
Make Magick happen Vote in YOUR next Election! |
In addition, the PUC-PAC and many other Pagan groups actively encourage all Pagans to vote in their local and national elections. If we do not vote then we are leaving our lives in the hands of those who may not respect our rights. This is one way we can fight back. Speak with your groups, and friends, have a voting party, get together and discuss political issues. Do anything that will motivate your friends, family, and fellow Pagans to vote for Pagan friendly Politicians. The key is we must put our two cents into politics if we wish to change the statis of Pagans in this country.
So get out and VOTE! |
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