Dragons, the Fae, Ghosts, and other Astral Beings. |
This is an introduction into the realm of the mystical and magickal. Watch out for passing dragons, and don't be surprised if a Fairy follows you home. Blessings to all that cross this threshold for the creatures of light dwell here. |
Dragons: Ancient Founts of Wisdom |
Dragons are my personal favorite among the astral beings. They are numerous and varied, each having a distinct personality. The common traits of Dragons are wisdom, loyality, courage, and strength. They each can be valuble alies in dealing with astral beings that are less reliable, as well as everyday human dealings. One word of warning however is that some Dragons can be diffucult to convince of your value. They do occasionally have ego problems and may deam you unfit for their help. Overall however I have found dragons to be the most helpful of the astral creatures. Once you are accepted you will discover that Dragons take care of their own, and will call you kin. They are willing to guard your house and belongings as well as guide you in your magickal workings. I heartedly recommend Dancing with Dragons by D. J. Conway if you are interested in working with Dragons. She includes a great history of Dragons as well as practical rituals for working with these wonderful creatures. |
My Adopted Dragon: Kailess |
She is a relatively young dragon, only 553 years old. But she is deeply spiritual and infiniately kind. She is a healing dragon who helps me with my life's work. Seriously anyone who is intersted in adopting a dragon, feel free to stop by the Adopt a Dragon Foundation by clinking on the graphic next to my big babies adoption certtficate. |
In case you haven't already caught on, I love dragons. They are by far my favorite beings to work with, and my friends. But in addition, I like anything and everything that has to do with dragons, makes Yule shopping pretty easy for my husband. Eventually I will probably have an entire page devoted to these wonderful creatures, but until then they will have to be content with the large majority of this one. Love and Light, and may a dragon guard your shoulder through the darkest night! |
Faeries: Playful Nature Spirits |
Faeries or the Fae, are more fickle and less reliable than Dragons, however they can be helpful and pleasant as long as you remember to show them respect. Faeries do not like uninvited guests, so when entering a garden, forest, or glade remember to ask permission of the Faeries and leave them a gift as thanks. If you fail to do this Faeries will be less likely to work with you, and more likely to cause you trouble (like hiding your keys). Faeries love children and like to tease cats, as a general rule if you have either you will have Faeries in your house. Faeries are varied in nature, just like Dragons, however their only consistent trait is playfulness. They like to play, be it tricks or games it makes no difference to them. They are not cruel in anyway (with a few acceptions), though sometimes their games irritate those of us that must work instead of play. Usually if you placate them, or give them something to do, they will not cause any problems. Whenever you ask for assistance from a Faery, give it a gift. They love shiny things, and appreciate small trickets of any kind. Similar offerings should be given if you enter a Faery garden, or glade. I recommend, Enchantments of the Faerie Realm by Ted Andrews. |
Ghosts: Those who remain behind. |
Ghosts facinate people all over the world. Briefly I'm going to suggest a few ways to look at these beings, more will be added later. Ghosts are people who have died, that's the standard definition, some people say they are trapped between worlds, some say they represent the afterlife, others that they have choosen not to move on, others say they are simply figments of the collection unconcious. I personally believe they choose to remain behind, often for very personally reasons, some are searching for lost loves, others watching over family or friends, some even stay behind to guard a house. These beings were given the oppurtunity to leave and either out of fear or commitment choose to remain. Some choose this path due to fear of punishment in the afterlife which explains the existance of "evil" spirits. However, most ghosts you encounter are primarily harmless. Only the very powerful souls can even be seen by non sensitives, even fewer can actually cause mischief or harm. Those that can cause harm and have the will to do so, are the only ghosts I suggest dealing with in anything but a friendly manner. Primarily, if you are kind to a ghost it will give you no trouble. Remember that ghosts often focus aggression on people not places, so if you have a negative spirit, get someone to deal with it, don't run away. I'll add more on Astral beings in the near future, as always feel free to offer suggestions to topics. |
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