Welcome, to muh house....enjoy!

Well..its been a bit, but I finally updated my page!! yay!!! so all my loyal fans/friends can oogle at it.

This site is SOMETIMES under construction..so come back for updates.

Visit Frequently for updates.

My Friends

I have a lot of friends/homiez and hur is most of dem.(these are listed in no particular order).

Dirty Dave
Fu (Matt M)
Kasey Neal
Rachel Rollings
Todd (Heath)
Jack Barns
Mike O'Connel
Erin Walterscheid
Jody Walterscheid
Julie Brown
Rachel Barone
Mark Beezy (Mark Bell)
Brian Twitchell
Tony Eck
Chris Eck
Allison Chappman
Erin Sortore
Sarah Dean
John Eighmy
John DeVore
Brandon Neal
Kevin Ritter
Ademon (Adam H)
Bobbi Herring
Chris Noel
Shark (JD)
Corey B
Tina Bishop
Shane Train

I have a lot more friends but dont have enough room to list them. If you are a friend of mine and has been left of this list just tell me and I'll add you!

Also props to the organizers and gamers at the E-Town Lan! Keep it Real!

I suppose I should tell you a bit about some of my interests a bit here. Well I do like anime (not all, but most are good) Some of my favorites are Hellsing, Robotech Macross Saga, DBZ, NGE, Ghost In The Shell, 8man After, Rurouni Kenshin, Samurai X, Blue Seed, Van Dread, Tenchi Muyo along with several others i can't recall at the time. I also enjoy the James Bond Movies. Other interests of mine can be found under my 'Bout Big Rig section.

Saddly Robotech is only shown late at night now. To make up for this loss I started watching Dragon Ball Z, which took Robotech's place on Cartoon Network. This is an awsome an Anime. Be sure to check out my Dragon Ball Z page!

Robotech is a show that I used to watch. It was on Cartoon Network. I like to watch some of the other Anime they show on there. Be sure to check out my Robotech section.

Hey I've had the chance to watch some more anime lately and by far one of the best and funniest I've seen is Tenchi Muyo and some of the other Tenchi sagas...I was over at Nithins house one day after school some of the guys and I were there and decided to put it in. We watched it for a bit and I got to the point where I had to know what happened. I got to finally finish it at after a few weeks. Recently Nithin has got ahold of a few of the DVD's, we've watched them, they're funny and entertaining. *L*

Email me at: tbone84@hotmail.com

copyright @1998, Updated Feb 25 2003
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