Welcome to Kwaidan: the home page of restless spirits. This page is dedicated to the truly bizarre happenings of real people. This is also a shrine, praising Lafcadio Hearn and Glen Grant. Please enjoy these stories of the strange and unusual and be sure to bookmark this spot, because I shall be updating it every so often. Happy hunting!!!

All of the OBAKE: Ghost Stories in Hawai`i and Obake Files: Ghostly Encounters in Supernatural Hawai`i tales were reproduced with the consent of Glen Grant (Thanks Mr. Grant). Mr. Grant has also informed me that due to "DEAD" copyright laws, I am also free to reprint the writings of Lafcadio Hearn without permission. (Another Mahalo to Mr. Grant)

Here are the stories:

the Faceless Woman The many stories of the Faceless Woman, from ancient Japan to modern Hawai`i.
Morgan's Corner The story behind the dreaded Morgan's Corner.
Rokuro-Kubi An ancient Japanese tale of a samurai turn priest v.s. floating heads. Unfinished

Here (finally) is a collection of stories that were gathered by... me:

The Collected

If you have a true ghostly experience, tell me. WARNING: This page contains forms. If your browser does not support forms, just E-mail your message to me. I will then create a section of submitted tales.

Lafcadio Hearn is an author who is known for his works of Japan. He has collected some of the most bizarre tales ever told. His book, KWAIDAN is a collection of tales he had gathered from the rich folklore of Japan. KWAIDAN is also a highly acclaimed foreign film, capturing the Cannes Film Festival International Jury Prize, The New York Times Ten Best Films of 1965, and was nominated for The Academy Award for the Best Foreign Film, 1965.

Glen Grant is an author who is well known in Hawai`i for his Ghost Tours through Honolulu and his research on the supernatural. His books OBAKE: Ghost Stories in Hawai`i and Obake Files: Ghostly Encounters in Supernatural Hawai`i are big sellers down in Hawai`i. He also has a radio show and does a television special every so often.

You may contact Mr. Grant at timewalk@pixi.comOr you may visit Chicken Skin, the Home Page for Glen Grant's Ghost Tours and books.

You may contact Mr. Hearn through Ouija boards and medians.

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13's Graphic Homepage

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Drunken Monk


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