This page is under heavy construction.Actually this page is gonna be always under construction...I think...
Please be patient.
Sign the guestbook before you leave.Okey? Great.
DO NOT take any of the graphics on this page. If you want your own, there's a link at the bottom of this page to Kat's graphics, where you can get your own.
Sorry, I haven't updated my pages in a while, but I just haven't had time...you haven't probably even noticed.
Wow!! I got 2 more awards. You can see them at the botton of the page.I really should create a very own page for those awards. i just can't simply store them here.
I've moved all my awards to the bottom of the page. Maybe someday I'll actually make an own page for them. *grin*
HEY!! Well, I've got a brand new e-mail addy. It's Lxwana@icenet.fi. So, if you've got something to say, e-mail me there. I know some of my pages say something about some other addies, but I don't have time to change them. So, just disregard them.
Hey do me a favour, would you?? Please, vote for Lxwana's World at

About me
The Japanese Garden
My banner/link x-change
Lxwana! Who?? Coming asap
My Work!

This Pixie was specially made for me, so _D_O_N_'_T_ _T_A_K_E_ _H_E_R_!!! Sorry, if I sound bit harsh.

They are my Gemini guardians.
They're guarding my page.
They're called Layna and Laylani
View my new guestbook. This one should actually take pics.

My old book!

Links to other sites on the Web
The official Babylon 5 site!
The official Star Trek page!
A Backstreet Boys site a official one again.=0)
X-Files site, the official one.
Terrik's Babylon 5 site.
My friend Roz E's site, well actually a menu to all of her sites.

My URL: http://welcome.to/Lxwanas_World

I got it for free at http://come.to

My 1st award

My 2nd and 3rd award.

If There's any problems mail at the addy below.
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