Greg Svenson's Page

Last updated: 3/7/02

Professional Information

I am a software engineer in the Information Technology organization's Data Management Department for Honeywell Space Systems located in Clearwater, FL.

My job responsibilities include database design, database, data, and transaction processing administration, internal consulting, support of the Computer Scheduling System (a batch job scheduler for GCOS), OpConXPS (a batch job scheduler for Windows NT), and the Access Control System (an on-line security system).

I enjoy problem solving and debugging software.

Personal Information

I am married to a wonderful woman, Paula. We have a daughter and four sons. Shasta is now an English Teacher at Poinciana High School in Kissimmee, FL. Richard is now living on his own, taking business classes at St. Petersburg College and working. Kevin, is living with Richard and works as an A/C installer. Derek is now in 11th grade at Clearwater High School. He plays bass guitar. And last but not least, our 4 year old son, Teddy.

I received a BS degree in Mathematics/Computer Science from Mankato State University in 1977. I have been into computers ever since for both work and recreation.

I am a Christian. I attend Christ Community Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Clearwater, FL. If you live in or visiting our area, come worship with us.

I enjoy my butterfly/bird garden, walking, canoeing, classical music, genealogy, writing computer programs and playing games. I am interested in history, astronomy, nature and science fiction.

Interesting past activities

I have been a grenadier in His Majesties 10th Regiment of Foot during our nations bi-centennial when I lived in Boston, MA. Yes, I was a red coat for the American Revolution. I am in the center wearing the bearskin hat that is a lighter brown.

I was a member of the 1st Minnesota Volunteer Infantry Regiment (American Civil War re-enactors, sorry I haven't scanned a picture).

More recently I was a Brother Sergeant in the Ordo Fraternum Draconae (above) and a Roman Legionnaire (below); both with the Society of Creative Anachronism (SAC).

Back in the early 70's, I was one of the original play testers of a role playing game that we called Blackmoor, which later became a very popular game now known as Dungeons & Dragons. Currently, I enjoy a science fiction based role playing game called Traveller.

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