Skull & Bones was a three issue graphic novel (that's a fancy term for expensive comic book) that I wrote and illustrated in the early 90s. It is one of the few published things that I own the copyright for. It's full of Cold War intrigue and derring-do and might have been a big hit if the Soviet Union hadn't decided to implode a couple months before the mag hit the stands. I'm still proud of it, so I will (soon) present the entire novel here for your reading pleasure. If you happen to be a big-name Hollywood producer who would like to adapt the character for the big screen (or small screen, sunscreen, any screen at all) I just might be open for offers.

Meanwhile, from here you can go to the KGB's Anti- Ed Hannigan site (seems they blame me for the collapse), or a Gallery of other artwork of mine, or right to the first several pages of the Skull & Bones graphic novel (will open in a new window) itself. Enjoy!