Cyberforest: The Place of Dreams (Mine At Least)

Once again, this pic was done by Jungura!!!!!!

You are wandering around a deep, dark forest. Giant redwoods sprout up like soldiers, and birch trees like war veterans. It is dark. You can see speckles of light in between the trees, but it does little to scare away the darkness. Birds chirp, and squirrles chatter. A ghostly howl is heard in the distance. Moss covers the trees, and grey rocks litter the ground. You begin to wonder why did I ever come here? when suddenly, something jumps out of the bushes at you.

It is a cat. You shrug, and are about to walk away, when you notice that the cat has antenna on it's head. It also has two insect-like wings, and a black sting on it's long tail. The cat is a dusty yellow, with big ears and long legs. It has black stripes on it's back, and spots on it's sides. The cat's chest is a creamy color, unlike the color of the rest of it's body. I've been watching the X-Flies Movie too many times you think. The alien cat looks at you with eyes that are a deep, chocolate brown. When you look into them you have a sudden urge to say "yes master." The cat opens it's mouth.

"Hi, my name's Starlight85, but you can call me Starlight. I only put the 85 at the end of my name, because it sounds cool. Doncha think?"

You stare. The cat is talking to you!!!You start wondering if maybe you shouldn't have eaten all those cookies before going to bed last night.

"Oh don't look so scared! It's not like I'm gonna eat you or anything!" Starlight85 laughs. "Although..... I am feeling kinda hungry...." You start to tremble with fear as Starlight licks her lips. "But I can eat some potato chips" Starlight finishes her sentence with another laugh.

The cat eats potato chips?! you think. Maybe being in a nice room with padded walls would help you calm down.

"Well, anyway, this is the Cyberforest. I hope you like it here. Feel free to explore anywhere, it's a pretty nice place. Of course, everybody's a little wacky here, but..." Starlight starts barking like a dog. In a few minutes, she stops. "But, I hope you enjoy it here."

You look around, still a bit shocked. A breeze stirs, as if begging you to move. Suddenly, from out of nowhere, several paths appear before you. How could that happen?! You swear they hadn't been there before. Hmm, Starlight said everybody was wacky here, maybe this forest is too you think. After looking carefully down the paths, you decide which way to go.

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These two cool pictures courtesy of The Beast Wars Official Video Game and PC CD-rom Game Site (I'm not sure if that's the exact name, but it's close!) Hehe! I love this thing! The link doesn't go anywhere though, so don't bother clicking on it. Also, in case you can't tell, these guys are supposed to be Cheetor and Tarantulus.

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