Ft. Ironwolf

Your friendly neighborhood stronghold

Welcome to Ft. Ironwolf. You're probably wondering what a fortress is doing here in the in the middle of the Hollow. This is the space where I used to say, 'I haven't really decided yet', but I have. This fortress is here to defend the Hollow and it's denizens from hostile forces. This site is finished to a satisfactory level, but I am always thinking up new things to put here, so there will always be little add-ons. Any suggestions for add-ons are more than welcome. Feel free to stop by anytime, and watch my fortress grow!

The music you are listening to is Das Deutschlandlied, the national anthem of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Links to other sites on the Web

My girlfriend Wolfgirl's home page
My friend Cloe's home page
My friend Acacia's space

Links to other sites in the Fortress

My hero, Erwin Rommel
The Library
The Barracks

My Code of Honor

Sign the Register View the Register

So far, people have been thoroughly disgusted since June 8, 1998.

Thanks for stopping by! If you want to, I can be reached on ICQ. (when I'm online) My name is Cerberus, and my UIN is 13176970. Later!

The fortress portrayed and the soldiers and weapons herein are fictitious, and any similarity to the name, location, or history of any fortress, living or dead, is entirely coincedental and unintentional.

No warlords were harmed in the making of this homepage.


Please see my site's disclaimer

© 1997 wolf255@hotmail.com

Ring of the Dudes
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