horse wouldn't
Wednesday, 26-Nov-97 15:39:25
My friend approached me about this site and we discussed to some length. I agreed to have my horse step on him. I dressed in boots spurs etc and benny was in his shorts as he wanted me to see the how this would affect him and to show any injuries he may sustain. I spurred that horse back and forth for 20 minutes with benny underneath and the silly animal just refused to step on him. I would appreciate any ideas on how to accomplish this as I have come to like the idea.
Try this!
Thursday, 27-Nov-97 05:33:51
Hi Sparky
I would dig a depression in the ground so his body was at about the same height as the ground the horse was walking on, that way your horse would not have to step up on to him, rather just step on what your horse thinks is the ground. I think that should help a lot .
Please do tell us how it goes. This is something I have wanted to try for a very long time but being a city guy its hard enough to find a horse let alone get it to step on me.
If your not to far away (I'm in the NYC metro area) and even if you are, and you do get your horse to step on your friend,I would love to be next in line!! :-)
In any event PLEASE email me I would like to talk to you about something
A partner? Thats great!
Thursday, 27-Nov-97 02:13:01
My experiences have always been alone. But what I always did was place the horses' foot on my chest or stomach. Depending on where I wanted his weight. Sometimes it would take quite a bit of encouragement to get the horse to transfer weight onto me. I would ususually rub his leg gently and say soft words to the horse. Thats what worked best for me.
You two are a team so this shouldn't be any kind of a problem at all! First of all sparky, I wolud suggst that you not be on the horse at first. You could probably act as a safety spotter so to speak. Let your horse get used to the idea that it is ok to walk on benny. Then once that happens. You will be regularly tying benny up and riding your horse over him with no problem!
The main problem right now is that your horse is scare of hurting benny. You need to prove to your horse he or she will not be punished if benny gets trampled into oblivion a few times!
I wish you the best of luck folks!!!
By the way, you probably already know this. But if you are not careful, benny could be killed.
So I would suggest the use of a good motorcycle helmet at least. The most important thing is living to remember your fantasies!
Re: horse wouldn't
Thursday, 27-Nov-97 20:41:18
You can blindfold the horse and lead him/her over Benny. Might be a good idea to have him in a depression so the horse won't stumble on him. Have the horse stand on him for a min or so, then remove the blindfold. The horse should get used to standing on him after awhile, then you can graduate to actually riding the horse on him. Good luck and keep us informed.
Re: horse wouldn't
Friday, 05-Dec-97 19:17:49
First of all benny took a fit because I posted here so he didn't want to do anything for a while?! We took someone's wonderful advice to get benny even with the ground. There is a portion of concrete in our new barn that has been cut away to allow for drainage and it was just wide enough and almost deep enouth for benny to fit in. I practiced walking "Apple" back and forth over the drain with the grate in place and she had no objection to stepping on the grate. Benny removed the grate and got in the drain and I walked Apple slowly and she did step on benny twice on the first pass. On the second pass he had his arm out and it was stepped on which left a rather ghastly bruise. His chest was bruised some and had some minor cuts, the result of a new shoe. He wants to do it again in about two weeks. It was thrilling to here and see the steel clad hoofs clop on the concrete and then silently on benny's naked body. I pretended to be sympathetic to his injury but was secretly excited about the ease of punishing him. I enjoy the idea of leather, boots, spurs and being on horse back with benny naked beneath the horse. He cautioned me about spurring Apple while he was being walked on. I wonder what would happen?
Re: horse wouldn't
Saturday, 06-Dec-97 08:23:47
Hi Sparky
I’m very happy to hear my suggestion of getting Benny even with the floor worked, I was pretty sure it would. I knew a couple in Conn. that lived on a dairy farm, they also had a depression in their barn, he would lay in it and she would drive their Lincoln over him! She also loved to stomp and trample him flat, but she never rode over him on a horse.
I’m going to ask a question I know any one reading your post will want to know, that is what is Apple’s weight. Also was Benny stepped on more than the three times in your post ? Did he want to stop or did you?
I can’t imagine how powerful you will feel when, as you are riding Apple over Benny, and you look down to see her hoof crushing him under it.
Benny doesn’t know how lucky he is, being trampled under a horses hooves is something I have wanted to experience for just about as long as I can remember. I would give anything to take Benny’s place!!! J
Would you consider riding Apple over me some time, please E-mail me so we might talk about it. Maybe I could work at your place for a time and you could pay me by trampling me under Apples hooves, I wouldn’t mine if you spurred Apple as she stepped on me!
I do hope to hear from you
PS: if there is anyone else out there that has a horse and would consider riding over me, Please E-mail me Too.
Re: horse wouldn't
Monday, 29-Dec-97 18:24:43
Apple is very gentle, an Appaloosa. She stands at just over 14 hands and weighs in at about 900 pounds. She is gray with black highlights and one white sock. My father was going to have her put down because of her sock, as she carried an expensive lineage but wouldn't bring the top price. Daughters can prevail, on occasion, and I did on this one. Apple is fiercely loyal to me and some say she is aware that I saved her life. I hope this answers most questions.
benny's outside is mostly better but is still having some time with his ribs. He is most anxious to be trampled again. I thought we could use some type of padding but benny says he wants to feel the hoofs, shoes etc. so I guess we will have to wait. I suggested maybe we could find someone else who may be interested and benny took a fit. What a kill joy!
Love and Kisses,
"Apple" is an Appaloosa
Re: horse wouldn't
Thursday, 22-Jan-98 21:36:10
Well..........I did it. I can't begin to tell you how erotic it was to have benny beneath my "horse's hoofs". Apple actually just stood on him as I sat in the saddle and looked down. As I leaned slightly forward Apple would shift her weight and benny couldn't breath. I can't describe the feeling of control and power I felt. benny couldn't get up and couldn't even breath unless I let him. Each time I leaned I went a little longer until I saw that benny had real fear in his eyes. I felt a certain thrill in that he could actually die so easily. I did finally let him up and he couldn't talk for a while but other than some marks from a whip and spur, earlier play, benny was practically undamaged. I don't think there is even be any bruising. It was great fun.
love and kisses,
Re: Its been a long time
Thursday, 21-May-98 17:23:40
Hi you guys.....It has been a while.....I wondered where everybody went and here you are!
We've had some rain and some fun in the mud. I was riding Apple and chasing benny, kind of like tag. he ran outside the covered arena into the rain and mud where he promptly fell down.. The most amazing thing happened, Apple ran right over him. benny got two major mush marks and I got a thrill when it dawned on me what happened, those steel clad hooves in the mud and on his naked body. We may try it again when the staff leaves this week.
The opportunity for outside play is still rare as the new barn is under major use and some items are still in and out of the old one. Everyone was off to a major show so we had the arena for two whole days.
I tried to get benny to involve another as I saw a picture of a lady standing with a boots on the backs of two naked males. I think that would be a "kick" . I don't know if balance would be a problem with two but it sure is with one.
Love and Kisses,
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times since Apr 24, 1999.