From: The Ravenshire-chronicles
"Damn you stupid animal!!" an annoyed voice sounded through the Ravenshire-stables. The shout came from Marc, an 18-year old stable boy and employee at the Ravenshire-ranch for almost a year. Marc was very dedicated to his job and he was almost 'one' with most of the private horses belonging to the ranch-staff. Most of them indeed... since he would never be friends with one particular horse: Anthracite, the private mighty black stallion that belonged to ranch-owner Jessica Ravenshire. Marc never seemed to be able to handle that horse! He had been kicked severely several times during his efforts to clean the horseshoes after Jessica's field-rides and once the stallion even bit him in his arm. The scar of that incident was still visible near his left elbow. The behaviour of the stallion scared him. Marc had the strong feeling that the animal would use any opportunity to hurt him. Obviously Anthracite didn't have much confidence in this stable boy. And today Marc just escaped from a severe blow of Anthracites hind-legs again. He jumped out of the stable-box just in time and heard the mighty hooves slam into the wooden stable-door with a noise like a bomb-explosion.
"Stupid horse! This is the limit!", Marc shouted with angry voice. "Why are you so violent to me?! I'm just doing my job you know?!..." While speaking these words Marc seized a broom standing against the wall and walked back into the stable-box, slowly and careful. "Now I will teach you some obedience for me!", he hissed to the stallion. The massive black creature stood in the middle of the room, carefully watching every movement Marc made. His hooves scraped over the stone floor and his ears were raised. The dark horse-eyes traced every movement of the stable boy who didn't feel comfortable at all. The fact that he was alone in one room with the biggest, strongest and most unwilling stallion of the ranch scared him.
At his second attempt to approach the horse for his daily cleaning-hour Anthracite reared again and mowed with his front-legs in Marc's direction. Then Marc swung the broom with all his force and hit the horse on his legs, while shouting: "Here, take this! And this!!..." Marc proceeded and hit the stallion on his head and flanks. The animal neighed loudly and tried to escape the blows. Finally Marc felt that he began to control the unwilling horse and he took the opportunity to relief his anger that had been bottling up for several months already. He kept hitting the horse and poked with the broomstick in his ribs. Finally the stallion calmed down and Marc threw the broom away. For a moment they stood face to face and Marc mumbled... "That's much better!... Remember this lesson you devilish creature! Next time I will break your legs!"
Marc was now able to approach the horse and lead it to the washing-place. He was not aware at all of the pair of eyes that watched him very closely from the shadow of a nearby wall. Those beautiful sharp blue eyes, hidden in the shadow, belonged to Jessica Ravenshire who witnessed everything that happened between the stable boy and her mighty black 'love'. Jessica whispered to herself: "Beware young stable-boy... We will see whose legs will be broken... soon!..."
Jessica turned away and left the stables without Marc noticing her. She could have punished him instantly for his behaviour towards her lovely horse... But she decided to wait for a better opportunity... that would be the next day after her daily ride. She had warned Marc before never to hit her horse and she heard other stable-servants complaining about him too. And although Marc was very good in his job and was a hard worker she decided that time had come to give that boy a lesson. And she would do so according to her own style. "Nobody shall ever harm my horse!", Jessica assured herself. And thinking about what to do to with this stable boy to make him obey her rules a mean smile came upon Jessica's face. Jessica made a little pirouette for joy as she felt a sudden wave of hidden cruel forces inside her and that would be released tomorrow! And again her voice whispered: "Be prepared little boy... Tomorrow we will meet again! You, me... and my lovely horse!"
Evil forces awaking
That day there was not much activity on the ranch. The training-program was on a minimum-level and most trainers had a day-off. Only the stable-crew worked their own program, which consisted of feeding and cleaning. It was a quiet day and a haze of mist lay over the fields in the late afternoon. Jessica Ravenshire and her partner Arranca enjoyed their daily ride over the fields and through the forest. Jessica loved the sight of her friend riding in full gallop up and down the hills, her long dark hair waving and swirling around her as she shook her head. They played together, chasing eachother and directing their horses through brooks and over fallen trees. This was the way of life Jessica loved! As did Arranca...
For a moment they gathered in slow step next to eachother and their hands met. Two beautiful women and two horses, united in their passion and surrounded by the misty atmosphere of an autumn-afternoon. A peaceful portrait that was in sharp contrast with the hidden forces inside Jessica's mind. Arranca was aware very well of those awaking dark and sometimes violent ideas and fantasies of her partner. She had been witnessing several training-sessions in which Jessica teached her giant stallion to step on bales of straw and rubber-pillows, while keeping the animal in place and inciting to trample the objects with all his force and as long as possible. Those trainings sometimes went on for hours and one day Arranca decided to ask for the purpose: "Jessica, what exactly are you teaching your horse?"
And Jessica answered with a glow of fire in her eyes and with a trace of excitement in her voice: "Oh, I just imagine these objects are people that I don't like!" Realising the meaning of this explanation Arranca shivered. "Jessica! Those cruel ideas of yours! Are you really intending to use the power of your horse on human beings?!"
"Perhaps I will!", she answered with an evil smile, "Whenever anybody dares to withstand my demands or my rules... So remember little girl! You'd better not provoke me and never make the mistake to leave me or to fall in love with any other person then me... Because if such things ever happen your life will most certainly be finished under the hooves of my horse!"
Arranca was not certain whether to take this threat serious or not but she wasn't comforted by the idea that her own lover would eventually use the destructive forces of those massive horse-hooves against her in a moment of anger! Anyway Jessica never made a secret of the fact that she loved the idea of extending her superiority by submitting any opponent under her horses' feet!
None of these thoughts were in Arranca's mind during the comfortable ride at the end of this wonderful day full of joy and happiness. Little did she know of the scenario that was building up in Jessica's mind already, not aware of the destiny a young stable boy was to encounter this same afternoon! His destiny was decided the day before at the moment Jessica saw him beat her horse.
The two women rode back to the ranch and entered the yard with a feeling of fulfilment of happiness. But something else in addition was flittering in Jessica's mind. She let her horse drink at the drinking-trough while Arranca stepped down from the back of her horse 'Misty Shade' and lead it to the washing place. "Arranca!", Jessica called to her. "Would you be so kind to send Marc to Anthracite's quarters immediately please? That room really has to be cleaned up before I bring my 'black beauty' home!"
Arranca acknowledged and went searching for the stable boy, wondering why she ordered him particularly for this task. Jessica stood next to Anthracite now and hugged him by rubbing her face along the mighty head and neck of the stallion. She smiled mysteriously and whispered: "And now my dear Anthracite I have a surprise for you! We are going to play a little with that cute stable-boy that dared to beat you yesterday, do you remember?... Time for a little revenge eh??..."
The punishment
Marc entered the quarters of Anthracite and began cleaning the straw on the floor. He was whistling and was feeling 'just fine'. This was his last duty for the day and than he would return to his own quarters on the ranch, to have a quiet evening together with his mates and watch some video. While whistling and sweeping the floor clean he suddenly heard the thundering sound of heavy hooves in the corridor. When they stopped at the entrance right behind him he stopped sweeping and looked over his shoulder. Portrayed against the light in the corridor he saw the shadow of the enormous black stallion, with the breathtaking stature of Jessica sitting on his back, her long hair waving in the draught.
Marc saw the flanks of the horse move at every breath and clouds of condensed breath escape from his nose like a stem-locomotive. One big living machine with destructive forces hiding inside and with a giant blonde amazon in control on top of that machine was between him and the safe 'outside'. Suddenly he felt uncomfortable with Jessica and the mighty stallion just standing there, blocking the doorway and not saying a word. "Hello Marc!", Jessica's deep and mysterious voice sounded.
"Hello mrs. Ravenshire!", Marc answered polite. "I was just about to finish my work here. I didn't expect you so soon..."
"That's OK Marc!", Jessica replied. And then she spurred her horse softly with her massive riding-boots. The animal stepped slowly inside and the thundering steps of the iron shoes echoed through the room. Marc stepped back, wondering why Jessica let her horse enter while he was still busy. Slowly he lowered the broom and his eyes focussed on the massive mountain of flesh that approached him slowly with every step. What was she up to?! Then Marc saw Jessica's face and he noticed that a strange look was in her eyes. She looked at him straight and cool and obviously not in a friendly way. Marc became aware of the fact that he was forced back step by step and that Jessica seemed to block any possible way-out intentionally. Finally he was in the corner of the room with no way to go. The impressive stature of the mighty stallion and the big and powerful woman on top suddenly raised a feeling of fear inside him. He was obviously in trouble and tried to figure out what Jessica was intending.
"Mrs. Ravenshire, what are you doing?!", Marc asked with a slight tremble in his voice. She looked down on him with the same cold look and replied briefly: "I want to speak with you for a moment... if it suits you!" "Of course", Marc answered in confusion. He felt smaller and smaller confronted with the big and powerful horse that scraped his hooves heavily over the stone floor. He saw sparks of fire under the horseshoes and noticed the enormous tension in the muscles in the legs and the body of the steaming black machine, that seemed ready to explode! He was so close to the face of Anthracite, that he felt the breath of the horse breezing in his face and through his hair. It was a very menacing experience to him. Then he noticed that Jessica unrolled a long heavy leather rope-whip from her hand. There was a strange glow in her eyes when she looked down upon him, sitting high above him on the back of her horse and obviously not with any good intention.
Jessica resumed: "Marc, you have disappointed me very much! Yesterday I watched you while you were beating my horse... I think I repeatedly warned you never to do that!"
Marc was shocked. He didn't know that Jessica witnessed the incident herself. But she did and now he knew he was in serious trouble.
He stammered: "Oh no, please forgive me mrs. Ravenshire! I know it was wrong and I shouldn't have done it. But Anthracite is so unwilling and tried to kick me several times yesterday! I just wanted to use a little force to get control over your horse... Honest!"
"Don't you lie to me!", Jessica replied short. "I heard the words you spoke. You were very cruel to my darling! There is no apology for that! And besides, no matter for what reason, I have repeatedly instructed you and all the other stable-crew never to beat my horse. Only one person in this entire world has the right to beat him when necessary! And that is ME!! Do I make myself clear?!!"
"Yes mrs. Ravenshire, very clear...", Marc replied with mumbling voice while bowing his head down. "Good!", Jessica said while raising her voice. "And now you will take off your clothes!"
"What?! Why?!", Marc asked while looking up with growing fear in his eyes. "You will find out soon boy! Now I demand you to take off your clothes immediately!! Your shirt and your pants!!
Marc hesitated and didn't know how to look. His legs started to tremble since he knew something unpleasant was to come over him. "Oh please mrs. Ravenshire... Forgive my mistake and let me go! I will never upset you again!..."
But Jessica didn't allow the poor stable boy an easy escape. Anger came on her face and Marc saw her raise her right arm in a flash. He heard a loud whirring sound in the air above him and he turned and crouched in the corner. Then he felt a hard blow and a burning pain behind his left shoulder. Jessica's whip had lashed him and his shirt gave him no protection against the heavy leather rope.
"Now be a good boy and do as I say!", Jessica summoned him. "Take-off-your-clothes NOW!!" Every word sounded very intrusive in his ears. Carefully he turned his head and started to beg with trembling voice. "No please, don't hurt me mrs. Ravenshire. I said I was sorry and I beg you to forgive me for abusing your horse!"
"Apologies will not be sufficient Marc!", Jessica resumed. "We talked about this before and I have given you a new chance twice! Now you will have to learn a lesson and I am going to teach you one! I will give Anthracite the opportunity to pay you back for your behaviour yesterday! And I'm asking this for the last time now: Take off your shirt and your pants!!"
And again the whip roared through the air and lashed Marc's back. And again and again! Marc crouched again and screamed for pain. "Stop please!!", he begged. Jessica lowered her whip and watched satisfied how Marc began to undo himself from his upper clothes with trembling hands. She felt a warm feeling of superiority when she saw the boy sitting on the ground so vulnerable and begging. Usually he was such a 'sturdy' lad, always having a big mouth. But now he was humiliated and degraded to an inferior creature by the powers of Jessica, supported by her mighty and potentially destructive stallion. Anthracite was looking down on Marc too with his big dark eyes. Those eyes mirrored the hatred for the stable-boy inside the horse-brain but Jessica was still in control of the animal and kept him from demolishing him until now. But the foam around the horses' mouth and the tension and trembling in the muscles and the sparkling scraping of the giant hooves over the floor didn't promise anything good for Marc. Slowly Marc took his shirt off and Jessica was pleasantly surprised by the red weals her whip caused on his back and shoulders. Then he put his shoes and his pants off, as Jessica had ordered him to do and he waited for the things to come.
"Good boy!", Jessica said. "And now lay yourself down on the floor in the middle of the room. "But... but... why?! What are you going to do with me?!", Marc asked with fear in his voice. Wrong question! Again the leather whip lashed him fiercely! Marc's unprotected skin was injured badly and blood welled up from the new red weals on his back. "Aaaargh!!", Marc cried. Jessica warned him: "I don't keep asking you the friendly way my boy! You're exhausting my patience! Now get over there and lay yourself down, before I make your blood drip from the ceiling!!"
Marc crawled to the middle of the room and did as Jessica ordered him, not being sure which position was worse: staying in the corner and defying Jessica's greatest anger or obey her and laying down on the floor with a 1500 pound stallion stalking around him with potentially deadly hooves. He was afraid to find out the answer soon.
Slowly he lay himself down. The stone floor felt cold and wet. A shivering went through his body when his bloody beaten back touched the floor. He realised that laying on this dirty wet stable-floor with a wounded back caused additional danger. He looked up and watched Jessica spurring her horse that started to step around him with heavy thundering steps. Jessica's voice echoed through the stone room: "Ok little stable-boy! Listen careful! This lesson is meant to teach you some respect! For me and for my beloved stallion Anthra, which is the most beautiful animal in the entire world. Anthracite and me are almost 'united'! When you hurt him you hurt me as well! And I don't like to be hurt, especially not by a simple stable-boy like you!"
Jessica paused for a moment, while going on stepping around the poor stable boy on her horse. Marc was shivering over all his body and begged softly, meanwhile looking up with fear in his eyes, being faced with that huge animal. Foam dripped from his mouth and the built-up energy in the horse-body was steaming from his flanks. Jessica's body was shaking up and down rhythmically and her legs coated by black lucre leggings and heavy black leather riding-boots, caressed the flanks of the horse. She enjoyed the feeling of being completely in control over the boy and being able to crush him to death with a few steps of her horse if she liked. She shook her head and her long blonde hair waved around her shoulders. Then she resumed: "Once again Marc, you disappointed me! I trusted you! I gave you a new job and a new goal in your life by bringing you to the ranch! Where would you have been without me, eh?? Exactly! On the street, homeless without a goal and without hope for the future! I gave you that future Marc! And all I asked was to follow my rules and to obey my orders regarding the behaviour towards the horses! Well, you broke my rules and now I will break you!! You are going to experience the powers of this beautiful strong horse!"
Marc didn't believe his ears and shouted with fear in his eyes: "NO!! Please don't do that to me! I will do everything you want! Everything!!" Jessica smiled and whispered down to the shivering boy: "There is only one thing I want, dear stable-boy! I want you to suffer under my horses' hooves. Now, are you prepared?! Are you ready for your lesson? I suggest that you enjoy that pretty well shaped male body of yours very intense for a moment and to remember how it was! I'm not certain that your body will still be so pretty and perfect after I'm finished with you!"
"Nooooo!", Marc cried, as he watched how Jessica turned the giant stallion definitely in his direction and bounced the flanks with the sharp spurs on her riding boots. Thundering horseshoes crashed into the floor right next to the poor Marc, who shut his eyes and tried to cover his head with his arms.
The next moment he felt an extreme biff on his right upper-leg and the cold iron of a horseshoe pressed deep and hard in his flesh. "Aaargh! My leg!", Marc cried with a high voice. The hind-leg of the stallion then came down on his other upper-leg but grazed it, ripping the skin. Marc crouched and reached with his hands to his wounded leg. He saw a sharp hoofprint pressed in the skin of his leg and blood-spots marked the place where nails had pierced the skin. It hurt awful but it didn't feel like it was broken. Marc shivered and wondered how far Jessica would go. Was she only scaring him and would she stop after this 'warning'?
No, she definitely wasn't! The horse had walked around him and now she guided it towards him in length-direction from his toes to his head. 'Noooo!", Marc cried loudly. But Jessica felt no mercy and rode her horse over him like his body was only a bale of straw. Again one of the front hooves crashed down on his right leg, sending a shockwave of pain through his body. And then he felt an incredible impact in his stomach as one of the rear-hooves landed on his belly. Marc had the feeling that all the interior of his belly was pushed upwards against his lungs. "Oooompf, Aargh!", he groaned and he gasped for breath. He opened his eyes again and saw a deep red hoofprint marking his belly.
Marc raised his arms and opened his mouth, but before he was able to beg for mercy the heavy hooves thundered down on his body again. One hoof smashed into his stomach again while the second one hit his chest. His ribs bent deep inside and again all his breath was pressed out of his lungs. "Oooompf!!", he groaned again. Marc couldn't believe this was really happening to him! Suddenly he was afraid that he was going to die! Those hooves were ruining his body and would crush him! Again there was no relief for the poor boy! He was hardly able to inhale only once before the next bombardment of horseshoes came over his body. He tried to cover himself with his arms, but they were mowed down and stomped down on the stone floor. And another rear-hoof crashed into his chest-bone, that almost cracked under the tremendous weight.
Marc's face turned entirely red and he gasped for breath. Trembling and gasping for breath he opened his eyes again and saw the messy and bloody hoofprints on his chest and belly.
The mighty stallion was stepping around the trembling body and Jessica watched down with a mean smile on her face. The sight of the damage that was done to Marc's body excited her. Marc raised his trembling blood covered arms and between two gasps he cried with suffocated voice: "Stop! You're killing me!!"
Jessica had no other answer than a smile and turned her horse again for another ride over the stable boy. She spurred the horse again and the frightening sound of the thundering steps approached again. And again his legs were badly hit by the tremendous stomping hooves and then his stomach was flattened again!
"Oooowh!", he cried again. His hoarse voice echoed through the corridor. "Silent!!", Jessica hissed down to him. "If you cry so loud again I will have your throat crushed under those hooves." And once again Jessica road over the stable boy. The hooves smashed hard on his legs, his stomach and his chest, leaving deep bleeding marks in his skin. He was hardly able to breathe and all the world seemed to be turning around him. The pain and pressure was tremendous. His heart was bouncing fast and his head roared. Fireballs were before his eyes!
Still no mercy and again the thundering hooves approached. His chest, arms and shoulders suffered crash after crash and he couldn't move anymore for pain. All his body was sore and covered with dirt and blood.
Marc started to pray and was sure he was going to die soon. But then suddenly the bombardment stopped. He was nearly unconscious and everything was turning around him. Then he suddenly heard another female-voice, far away: "Jessica!... What the!!..."
Silence came over the room. Marc opened his eyes, realising that he was still alive, feeling burning pain over all his body. In a mist of tears he saw Arranca, Jessica's girlfriend standing near the door and Jessica herself still sitting on top of the breezing and hoof-scraping horse.
"He needed a lesson!", Marc heard Jessica's cold and emotionless voice. "You evil woman!", Arranca replied with trembling voice. 'Look what you have done! You could have killed him!" Jessica denied those words. "No! He is a strong boy... he can handle a little hoof-pressure!"
"A little hoof-pressure?!", Arranca answered. "Look!! All his body is demolished!"
Marc lay still on the ground, shivering and looking with fear in his eyes from Jessica to Arranca and back. What would happen next?!
Arranca approached the boy and knelt next to him, looking delighted that he was still breathing. Now Jessica stepped from her horse and knelt next to Marc too. She took one of his bleeding hands and meanwhile looked in the eyes of Arranca. I was just intending to end my 'lesson'... I wouldn't have gone too far!"
Marc heard these words and shivered even harder. He was not so sure about this intention. He thanked god that Arranca came in just in time. Obviously Jessica's girlfriend didn't like the cruel nature of her partner. Marc had still difficulty with breathing. His ribs were nearly crushed and all his body was aching! But he was glad to be able to move his arms and legs. For a moment he feared they would have been broken like matches. One more ride over his body would certainly have been the limit!
Jessica turned her eyes and focussed on Marc's face. And she said: "Now Marc, tell me what you have learned today!"
Marc tried to hide the pain in his face and wiped his tears away with trembling hand. "I... I...", he stammered. "I will never break your rules and... I will treat your horse with great respect..."
"Good boy!", Jessica replied. Then she took his hand and let him sit upright. Arranca gave him some support too, meanwhile shaking her head and looking a little angry in Jessica's eyes. But Jessica's eyes were still cold with no sign of guilt or mercy... And that sparkling glow in her eyes and the mean smile on her face told Arranca that she must have had lots of fun when she was damaging the boy.
After a few minutes Jessica asked Marc: "Can you walk?!"
"I will try!", he replied with weak voice. And both women helped him to scramble up to his legs. Marc's body was burning for pain and he was still dizzy. And he was surprised by the fact that nothing had been broken. Even Jessica seemed surprised about that. And she resumed: "You're a strong boy, Marc! With a strong and pretty body! Be careful with it will you?! Oh... and take a day-off tomorrow and get yourself cleaned up! You look messy!"
"Yes mrs. Ravenshire! Thank you...", Marc mumbled. Arranca took his shirt and hung it carefully around Marc's wounded back and shoulders. Then she gave him his pants and his shoes and looked how he stumbled away in the corridor in the direction of his quarters.
Jessica and Arranca remained in the stables for a few more minutes. Arranca looked in Jessica's eyes and her eyes spoke the silent question: "Why?!" Jessica raised her shoulders and began to undo her horse from the harness and saddle. Arranca left the stables while shaking her head again and went to her quarters. She never talked with Jessica about the incident again.
When Marc entered the stable-crew quarters and his friends noticed him stumbling in the hall-way covered with bloody hoofprints and dirt all over his body, they all surrounded him and were curious what happened! "Have you been fighting with a bear or something?!", they asked with hidden laughter. "I... I had an accident!", Marc replied. And he never told what really happened and nobody ever asked him about it. And last but not least: he did never beat Jessica's private horse again.
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times since
Nov 22 , 2000.