Episode 1: Jessica's dream
The late golden sunglow of the summer evening stroked Jessica's beautiful face. A gentle whispering wind came over the hills and forests and played with her long blonde waving hair. She was sitting comfortable on the back of her favourite black stallion 'Anthracite' and looked down the hill over her 'imperium': the 200 acres big 'Ravenshire Ranch'. Fertile sloping green hills, massive stable-buildings, training-courts, riding-halls and nearly 100 of the best stallions and mares in the world. That all belonged to her...
The ranch had been family-property for six generations already, but Jessica was the first woman in the history of the Ravenshire clan to be in charge of the business from the moment her father retired four years ago. She was only 27 years old when she became the owner of the ranch and now, looking down with a proud smile on her face she realised that even her actual age of 31 is pretty young to own such a fortune.
Jessica proved to be a very successful manager and a horse-trainer with excellent qualities as well. She grew up among horses from early childhood on, played with them, slept next to them in the stable, rode the wildest of all stallions and knew every detail about horse anatomy and their characters. Jessica thought about the series of successes of the Ravenshire racing teams that won almost every major race in the country during the past three years and lots of international racing events.
The Ravenshire-dynasty was famous all over the world, not only because of the racing-successes but also as a result of their 'breeding-program', which was one of the main activities of the ranch. Every year the Ravenshire stables managed to deliver at least a dozen potential champion horses to the wealthiest people in the world after years of hard training and exercise. Jessica smiled, realising that she had made an awesome lot of money with her business since she ruled the ranch and her professional staff, counting some 50 very dedicated trainers, attendants, stable-crew and technicians...
The revelation of secret desires...
"What's that wonderful glittering in your eyes my love?", she suddenly heard a warm clear female voice next to her. Jessica turned her head and looked into the face of her partner for life, the beautiful mysterious dark-haired Arranca, riding her brown mare 'Misty Shade'. She had a passionate relationship with this girl for five years already. She was only 25 years old with still the taste of youth on her lips and together they shared the love and adoration for horses and horseracing.
"I was just counting my fortunes and my successes...", Jessica smiled. "Am I among those?", Arranca asked flickering naughty with her eyelashes. "You bet!", Jessica replied. "If you weren't sitting on the back of a horse right now I'd wrestled you down in the grass immediately and kiss you unconscious!" Both women laughed loudly and happy and then Jessica said: "Come on, evening falls! Time to bring this flesh and blood in their stables and give them a cool bath!" And down the hill the two women rushed in full gallop, their long hair waving in the wind, yelling for joy...
There was still a lot of activity in the stables: rush hour after a day of training and exercising. Stable boys and -girls were looking after horses, drying and brushing them after bath and cleaning and polishing their hooves and shoes. Jessica came in, her horse following with thundering steps, echoing through the entire stable building. She went to her private stable at once and shut the massive wooden door behind her. Arranca went to her own quarters.
The stable-servants and other personnel were silent and looked at each other with a careful smile and blinking eyes. Everybody on the ranch knew that once Jessica and her horse were behind that closed door, no one would even think about going in and disturbing her! And nobody even had the slightest idea of what exactly was going on during those intimate encounters between Jessica and her stallion. It had been the best-kept secret of the ranch for as long as she was in charge of the business...
And intimate their relation was! Inside the stable-box Jessica took the saddle off Anthracites back and the harness and bit off his head. Then she stand there for a moment, face to face with the mighty stallion, admiring his stature, his greatness, his strength. Her eyes went over the mighty body and watched his muscled flanks moving at every breath.
The huge animal breezed and shook his head, the long waving manes swirling around. Jessica loved it! She enjoyed every minute together with this living mountain of dynamite! Carefully she approached and then their faces met. Jessica stroked her cheeks against his hairy head and neck and she whispered in his ear. "This is our moment again, my dear... Did I ever tell you that you are the only man in my life?... and that you will always be the only one?..."
The horse bent his head a little and groaned uninterested, his eyes turning around looking for food.
But Jessica's hand reached for the giant horse head and carefully lifted it. "Look at me...", she said with demanding voice. "I want to see the fire in your eyes, I wanna feel the wind from your nose... I wanna experience your powers! You're obsessing me, you mighty wonderful creature!"
Then Jessica stepped back and very slowly she took of her black T-shirt, leaving only her bra on her upper body. A mysterious glance was in her eyes as she touched her breast and neck softly with her fingers, raising a taste of excitement inside her. She stepped forward to the animal again and sank on her knees. Then she laid herself down in the straw on the stable-floor. She reached her arms forward as an invitation to the huge black stallion. And Jessica's eyes spoke a book full of unspoken desires: "Here I am my love, come to me, take me! Let me feel you, smell you and taste you! Dominate me! Let me experience the strongest of your powers..."
Curious and careful the mighty stallion came forward, heavy steps crackling in the straw. One of the hooves landed right next to Jessica's neck and she turned her head to it. Her eyes met the mighty hoof and traced the well-shaped muscled leg upward. "My god, what a tremendous powers you're hiding in those legs of yours sweetheart!", Jessica whispered again. "You could kill me with those in one single step if you like... Wouldn't you like that? Look at me! I'm lying very vulnerable below your mighty body... You could crush me under your hooves. Did you never think of taking revenge for all that hard drilling and exercising I gave you hmmm?..."
Apparently the giant black horse didn't. He bent his head again and sniffed around Jessica's face, his hooves shuffling careful around her body. Jessica's hand carefully touched the strong hairy horse-leg. It felt soft, warm and wet. The feeling of the horse-sweat combined with the typical horse-scent excited her. Jessica's hand touched the hairy leg again and went down over the ankle to the massive hoof. And she stroked it with her fingers for several minutes, thinking over what would happen if she was really under that hoof. Nearly a ton of flesh and muscles was above it... All the weight and power stored in that massive body could be released in those four wonderful legs, changing the shining black ironed hooves in deadly weapons, crushing and destroying everything underneath them! Jessica was aware of the weight and the power of that magnificent horse very well, and yet she felt a strong hidden desire to feel these hooves on her body, giving tremendous pressure on her belly, her chest and her shoulders! Why in heaven's name did the thought of being crushed under her own horse excite her so much?!
Then Jessica closed her eyes. Her heart was beating faster and faster for excitement and she was shivering a little. And very very slowly she raised the heavy right front hoof with both hands from the ground and lifted it to her chest! She felt a little thump and shivered when the cold iron of the horseshoe pressed on her chest. There was only a slight pressure, but Jessica loved the feeling and begged in silence: "Come on my love, step on me! Press the air out of my lungs! Let me feel your power! Show me your dominance!..."
Suddenly Jessica heard the door of the stable swing open and she was frozen for a moment! Then she heard a female voice, obviously shocked: "Jessica! What in heaven's name are you doing?!!" Jessica felt caught and quickly pushed the hoof away from her. She turned her head and looked in the eyes of her girlfriend Arranca, who was obviously amused by the sight of her partner lying down there and caressing the hooves of her horse. Her hand covered her mouth in order to prevent a loud laugh.
Now Jessica scrambled up and sighed with a mixture of anger and disappointment: "Oh Arranca, you just broke my dream! And you discovered my secret as well!"
Arranca smiled and played with her hair while looking amused to Jessica, who examined her chest that was without any mark of a horseshoe. Arranca answered: "You really keep surprising me! I already considered you as a weird creature from the first time you asked me to trample you under my dirty riding boots and ram my spurs into your sides. But this really does it! Let yourself being trampled by a horse! My god, what can we expect next?! Did you ever think about the danger you put yourself in?! That animal can kill you in one step if something goes wrong!"
"Hmmm...", Jessica mumbled with a smile while her eyes focussed on the huge black creature again. And she answered: "Arranca, after all these years we're together you should know that I use to live on the edge of ultimate experiences and extreme dangers... And here is one of my ultimate challenges that I must face sooner or later! I want the tremendous power inside that proud and strong animal to be released on my body... Only the thought of his giant hooves pressing me down the ground and taking my breath away makes me mad for excitement..."
"You must be completely out of your mind...", Arranca replied while shaking her beautiful head. "Yeeeah...", Jessica whispered softly. "I think I am..."
"Well lady, forget that adventure right now and come with me for a hot bath, before I have to scrape you from the floor! Sometimes your thoughts are scaring me... Take care! I don't want to read the newspapers one day, quoting that the famous Jessica Ravenshire died because she submitted herself under the hooves of her horse!"
Jessica smiled. She was touched by so much attention and care from her partner. Arranca took Jessica's hand and pulled her on her feet. She took her shirt and hand in hand the two women left the stable."
That night Jessica and Arranca slept together. The night was clear and the moon lit the fields, the stables and the big country-house. Jessica's eyes were closed and her breath was calm and slow... But inside her brain things were far from easy! Jessica was dreaming...
She found herself back in the stable, her body completely naked and lying in the straw. Before her eyes she saw a wooden barrier that was used in country-races and military. The atmosphere was fairy-like. Everything looked so hazy and torches were burning along the walls. Then suddenly she heard the thundering sound of horse-hooves approaching in slow gallop as if it were in slow motion... And then she saw the mighty stature of Anthracite jumping over the barrier towards her in graceful flight. The front-legs were stretched and she noticed his perfect black polished hooves and the shiny iron horseshoes. Jessica could see the muscle-tension in the massive legs and the body of the horse.
And then she saw his face! It was so strange! It almost looked like it had a human expression. The stallion smiled to her and his eyes were naughty as if they spoke to her: "Now I've got you little girl!" Jessica felt a flash of excitement and she spread her arms, laid her head back and submitted her entire body to the huge stallion while she cried out: "Yes Anthracite!! Yes, this is what I've been waiting for all my life!!" And then she felt the giant front-hooves landing together in one big crash on her chest, pressing it like a cushion. And while the front-hooves left her body the back-legs thundered down on her chest! Although it was only a dream Jessica could almost feel the intense shock that went through her body as the hooves rammed her to the floor! It all seemed so real! Except the fact of course that nobody would be able to survive this kind of bombardment of horsepower. There wasn't even a single sign of a horseshoe on her body, but Jessica felt a warm glow and was happier then ever before in her life! She was in ecstasy! "Yes, it has happened, finally I have been where I always wanted to be. I've been trampled by a big fierce stallion in full gallop and full weight!!"...
With a shock Jessica woke up and she sat upright in her bed! She could hardly suppress a cry, her heart was raging for excitement and her breath was fast. Man what a dream that was! She was shivering and her head was bouncing! What in heaven's name happened to her?! The dream must have pulled the trigger and now she couldn't control herself anymore. In a dizzy and disorientated state she jumped out of the bed, turning the light on and bouncing barefoot on the floor. Arranca woke up and noticed that definitely something very special was going on with her partner.
Arranca watched in sleepy state how Jessica stepped into her wooden slides and put a sweater over her naked shoulders. She saw her girlfriend shiver and her eyes sparkling with a glow she'd never seen before. "My god, what's wrong with you?!", she said while climbing out of the bed. Jessica replied with a trembling in her voice: "Arranca!... It has to happen now! I have to go to my horse and throw myself under his feet!"
"What?! In the middle of the night?! It's three o'clock... Are you completely out of your mind?!"
"My mind is running away with me!", Jessica replied. "I had a dream! A wonderful dream in which Anthracite thundered down upon my body with all his weight! Really Arranca, I have to do it now! I can't think about anything else then being under his mighty hooves anymore!! Oh my god, it really has to happen now! I'm so intense horny at the thought of what will overcome me..."
And after these words she rushed out of the sleeping room, down the stairs, to the yards and the stables. Arranca followed her with fear in her eyes and voice: "Jessica NO, wait!" But she wasn't able to stop the electrified and excited woman anymore. She ran after her but Jessica rushed to the stable with untamed desire to throw herself under the feet of her horse.
Jessica rushed inside the stable and threw the door of Anthracites box open. It was dark inside and she pulled on the light. There she stood in the stable-box with the fierce stallion only a few steps away. His mighty stature stood sleepy in a corner of the room and slowly the animal turned his head towards her and waved his ears. Then he came forward with heavy slow steps. Jessica was so excited that she hardly succeeded in undoing her from the last pieces of coverage and then she stood completely naked before her dark majestic 'lover'. She sank down on her knees and laid herself down on her back just before the front-hooves of the giant stallion.
Arranca joined her and kneeled next to her, shaking her head for surprise. "I don't know what you're going through my love, but this is insane!", she said.
Jessica took her hand and answered with a nervous smile: "I know but I can't help it! It happened in the dream! I got some kind of flash that I can't explain and the only thing I can think about now is to be under those mighty destructive horse-legs over there. Help me Arranca! Stay with me and guide Anthracite to me... and let him step on me! Now my secret desires will finally become true! I want to be trampled! I want to be dominated! I want to feel the hooves in my stomach and crush my ribs!"
Arranca knew it was no use trying to keep Jessica from her insane idea and finally she admitted with a sigh. And so she stood up and approached the black giant. And she pushed him gently towards Jessica's naked body that was lying there in the straw. Then she kneeled and took the right front-leg with both hands, raised it and moved it very careful to Jessica's belly. Jessica nearly exploded for excitement and stars of joy sparkled in her eyes. Then she felt the cold iron of the horseshoe on her bare skin and she shivered again when she felt the first pressure on her stomach.
Arranca was still very careful and anxious and asked: "Are you sure you can handle the weight?!"
"Let's just do it to find out!", Jessica whispered excited. "Raise his left leg, so that his weight will be on his right leg..."
"OK, there we go...", Arranca confirmed and she did as she was told. "Oooompf!", Jessica groaned as she experienced an intense pressure on her belly and felt the iron and some nails piercing in her skin. A hot wave of ecstasy rolled through her body as she realised: "My god!! This is it! It's happening now!! I am really feeling his mighty hoof on my body! This is not a dream!"
Jessica fought against the pain of the sharp horseshoe on her belly and she felt like she was lying under a broken down wall! She groaned and was hardly able to breathe.
"How are you doing down there?! Shall we stop it?!" Arranca asked anxiously while looking at Jessica's face that turned red while her eyes were closed. "NO!", she replied with suffocated voice. "Let it be!..."
For almost a minute the hoof was flattening Jessica's belly and then she gave a sign to relief the pressure. And as soon as the big horse raised his hoof a sharp red print of the iron was visible deep in Jessica's skin. Some spots where nails had pierced her skin were bleeding a little.
A deep sigh of relief came from Jessica's mouth as the pressure left her body. "My god... my god... I did it!", she was repeating with whispering voice.
"How was it?!", Arranca asked curious, delighted that her girlfriend wasn't completely ruined. "Great!", Jessica whispered... Give me more..."
Arranca sighed and tried to object, but Jessica insisted with that special look that made her melt so easily. And then she pushed the huge animal towards Jessica's body again. The poor horse didn't understand at all what was going on underneath him but he didn't show any resistance to the things that Arranca demanded him to do to his mistress.
Jessica whispered: "I want to feel that mighty hoof on my chest now!" Arranca felt some hesitation: "Are you sure you want what you're asking for? Your ribs may break like matches!", she warned. But Jessica insisted again and after some manoeuvring she felt the wonderful experience of a heavy cold iron horseshoe pressing on her chest. The big horse was looking for stable bottom and moved his hoof over her body. Again she fought against the pain and again she felt nails piercing her skin. "Auch!!…", she groaned breathless. Jessica was hardly able to breathe and her ribs bent under the tremendous weight! She could never have imagined that the feeling was so intense. The pain was hardly bearable and her head was hammering and turning red. She had to inhale air but wasn't able to! Now she experienced real suppression and dominance. That giant horse controlled her life now, was able to crush her chest under his legs and flatten her heart.
For nearly a minute the horse balanced on one hoof on Jessica's chest and then she groaned to Arranca to bring the second hoof to her body as well and place it on her stomach . And so she did! Unbelievable!! The mighty horse was now standing with both front-legs on her body! The pressure was tremendous and with any movement of the legs looking for stable bottom the sharp iron shoes were scraping and piercing her skin. And although the pain was nearly unbearable and she nearly couldn't breathe Jessica kept Arranca from removing the hooves. She wanted to explore her ultimate frontiers! She wanted to know how much she could take! The fear of being crushed or damaged for life was overruled by the kick of being dominated by this huge fierce beautiful animal. Now her deepest desire had finally become true.
Jessica's breath was now completely cut off and she wanted to breathe again! But the heavy pressure and trampling on her chest made her nearly suffocate! She wanted to scream! But no sound came from her lips and no fresh air could reach her lungs! Her face turned blue and the pressure grew bigger and bigger now that she wasn't able anymore to withstand the tremendous weight with her muscles! Suddenly it seemed like the heavy horseshoes were sinking through her entire body, crushing her ribs, replacing her organs and breaking her backbone. Panic came over her and in a flash a thought came in her mind: "My god, I'm going to die!!"
She struggled and waved with her arms and legs, trying to escape from the deadly pressure on her body. All her body started to twinkle and became unfeeling. She heard a loud bouncing hammering sound in her head and loud buzzing was in her ears. Then she saw stars and fireballs before her eyes and felt herself sinking away in deep darkness! "Jessica!!", she heard Arranca's voice sound in fear far away. Finally everything became black before her eyes...
Desires fulfilled...
When Jessica became conscious again, she had difficulty with realising where she was. She saw the hazy shapes of the stable around her. She was dizzy and her head was still buzzing. Then she recognised the beautiful face of her girlfriend close to her... and in the background she saw her beautiful mighty stallion Anthracite, comfortably eating from the hay and waving with his tail, obviously not aware of what he had done to his mistress.
Then she touched her chest and her belly with her hand and she noticed deep red hoof-prints with purple spots and some bloody carves. She felt a tremendous burning pain in her chest and all her muscles and breathing was still very difficult.
"Welcome back my love...", Arranca said with vibrating voice. "For a moment I was afraid that I lost you. You stupid woman!"
Jessica's eyes looked weak and painful. She tried to scrabble up and shrinked for pain again. "Good heavens... This feels like I've been overrun by a tank!", she mumbled in pain.
After a few minutes she stood on her feet again, looking at Arranca with a mixture of pain and happiness in her eyes. Now she knew the feeling of being under the feet of a horse... and the aftermath.
"Come on, I'll bring you to your bed now!", Arranca said while giving support to Jessica's staggering body. And when they walked slowly back from the stable to the house through the misty night, Arranca asked: "How was it?..."
Jessica smiled carefully, trying to hide the burning pain in her body and whispered: "Great... just great!..."
*(End of episode one)
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times since
Nov 22 , 2000.