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You are Death Star Gunner # to fire the Superlaser at Earth.
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Ukyo is watching you.
Beware the spatula.

Just thought I'd say hi. Not much has been going on here in the past month. I'm prepping the site up for a surge of SM:CCG fever (we can dream, can't we?). - Anchorhead
In the not-too-distant future, you will find here a collection of my contributions to the community of a hopefully incredibly WONDERFUL card game.
Or what's close enough to a contribution....
Right now, there isn't much since the game hasn't come out yet ^_^. But I sure hope we'll all have a ball here! But, as always, submissions are welcomed and encouraged!
Take a look at the cards that make up the game! |
See the current types of decks to help you make your own! |
Looks on deck building, game play strategy, and any other topics I feel like putting here! |
Event results from around the world! |
You can be a winner, too, but you've gotta know how to play the game. Hopefully will be updated as needed. |
Visit the "official" site! |
Join the Sailor Moon CCG Club at Yahoo! today! |
This section last updated: 30 May 2000
2000, Anchorhead
Bonus disclaimer: Any images of cards, packs, boxes, whatever are the property of DiC, Toei, Kodansha, and Naoko Takeuchi. Game and card design are copyright 2000, Guardians Of Order and DART Flipcards, Inc. No violation of ownership is intented by the publication of this website. Please don't sue me. Any scans of products will be with my scanner of what I have in my possession. Images with the potential of being copied and/or used for illegal/immoral purposes, including, but not limited to, sale and/or usage in special events, may/will be modified in some way (such as adding a foreign image to the corner) to injure the quality of the image to prevent counterfeiting. Odds are if you're gonna counterfeit, you're not using my images, but I'll say that just in case ^_^. If you are a representative of a company associated with such images and would like me to remove them, please feel free to contact me. I want to stay out of trouble (and believe me, it's hard :P ).