This is yet another battle section that is destined to die very soon
Now, in the battle where universes collide! (Part I)

With the

with the

And Now! For our featured battle!
All Right, the two ships are about to to start, so let's get our backround check going.
: Captain of the starship "Enterprise" and befriender of everyone's favorite Scotty. Weighing in at 200 lbs. He's Captain James Kirk!
: A little boy gone evil. Now works for the Empire, but was saved in the end. Weighing in at who really cares, and standing 6ft above the ground, It's Darth Vadar!
Bill: Ok, the Imperials have just launched some tie fighters, so how do you think Jim will combat them Jerry?
Jerry: Well, I think he's gonna...Wait! look, the Tie fighters are running away. Why would they do that?
Scotty: Well I guess it serves'em right for trying to mess with me. Ya want some more dilthium Vadar? Ha, come and get it!
Bill: Well, scotty must have scared them away, and I admit that Scotty sorta freaks me out. Any comments Jerry?
Jerry: I can't blame those fighters either. Man that blasting action is getting hot.
Bill: I'll say, too bad vadar doesn't have as nearly good weapons as Kirk.
Jerry: Yeah, but that imperial ship is so much larger than the Enterprise, so I don't think the phaser will do much damage. Bill?
Bill: Your right Jerry, so how does Kirk plan to win?
Jerry: I'm not sure, but....Hey what's that sound!?
Bill: I think that Kirk is beaming some people over to Vadar!
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