People and Mecha of Macross
This Page is just a breif overveiw of the Macross saga.For details go to here.
Henry Gloval-Being comander of the SDF-1, Gloval knows the Zentraedi's tactics.
Lisa Hayes-Is very dedicated to the military.Bridge officer(Rick once called her an "old sourpuss")
Rick Hunter-From the flying circus to captain this guy is the hero of the saga.
Roy Fokker-Rick's "Big Brother" is leader of the famous "Skull Squadron.
Maximillion Sterling-The best flying ace the Micronians have. Kinda shy.
Claudia Grant-Lisa's friend but much more laid back than her. Loves Fokker.Also a bridge officer.
More info. on humans.
Breetai-Commander of a Zentraedi fleet. Half of his face is metal from an Invid attack.
Khyrhon-A "backstabber" as the rest of the Zentraedi know him. Khyrhon is also a commander, but often disobeys orders.
Miriya-The best pilot in the entire Zentaedi race. Later becomes wife of Max.
More info on Zentraedi.
Human Mecha
Veritech fighter-Standard Earth Robotech plane.Turns into a . . .
Battloid-50ft tall "metal man" carries laser gun thingie. and a . .
Gaurdian-a sweet mix of the two with limbs and wings.
Zentraedi Mecha
Battlpod-Standard assault craft for Zentraedi warriors.Twin lasers.Looks like an ostrich without a head.