Welcome friends...
Below, you will find a map
Miranda's World.
Each link will take you to
a separate index page for
one of my sites.
Below the map are
descriptions of each site
to help you navigate.
If you get confused,
just click your browser's
back button
you will return here.
Oh, be wiser thou!
Instructed that true knowledge leads to
~ William Wordsworth ~
Rainforest is full of information on the rainforests of the world and what
you can do to help them. It is also full of good links to other sites
like ours. This site is new this year and only has two full pages
so far. (Note: it is graphic intensive and will take awhile to load!)
I hope to be back to work on it soon and have some background sets for
your own virtual forest!
Sweat Gazette is a Native American Newsletter from Ventura County, California
and is put out by our friend and sister Kreshia. It is published
quarterly and you can find all the back issues to present there.
Lots of information and stories from different tribes. Some articles
by Josephine Fire Lame Deer.
Native Camp Directory is just what it says... It resides at the Sweat Gazette
site, but is a listing of all of my Native American pages that were previously
found here at the Den. I have moved them to the Sweat Gazette to
make more room here for other projects. From the Directory you can
find Josephine Fire Lame Deer's page, two Lakota Story pages with stories
told by her grandfather, John Fire Lame Deer and an Introduction to the
Lame Deer Family. There is also a comprehensive Native Links page.
Place is a memorial site dedicated to our daughter Shani Delane
Here you will find a lot of Shani's favorite music in the music room, Links
to sites with information on Lupus, some personal information about Shani
and the story of her death. Shani contracted a fungus from long term
overuse of the steroid drug Prednisone and unfortunately, it went
undiagnosed. Find out how you can protect your loved ones...
Cottage site is new this year and will be my family's history and geneology
pages. As of now there is nothing there, just the index page.
I hope to be working on this one soon as it will have the story of how
my grandfather's, grandmother came to California in a covered wagon and
settled on the land where we live. I hope to make it interesting
enough for you to want to visit! It will also have some very old
pictures that have been recovered from my mother's house... Some of them
need alot of work, but they will be worth it for an online family album.
CASA site is for an old friend of mine who moved to Oregon. On his
last visit he asked me if I would be interested in helping put up a site
for Lane County, Oregon CASA Organization. This has been a worth
while project and I am happy to have been able to help out. CASA
is a program started by a judge from Seattle who felt there was a need
for an advocate program for children involved in court cases. Therefore,
CASA; Court Appointed Special Advocates, a child's voice in court.
Why don't you stop by and see what they are about?
but not least, the Den! The Den has been my home on the web from
the beginning. I will be redoing the whole site, as you can probably
see! I will be keeping Charlene's Japanese Tea Garden here, along
with some new concepts! I have begun work on my newest adventure,
Miranda's Magic Island. You will find some of my favorite quotes
here and all of my little adopted critters. I hope to put up a Fairy
Adoption site based on the island and also a graphics treehouse with lots
of different things to offer you!
Well, that's all for now... I hope you will enjoy your visit here at my world and will return. Please sign the guestbook if you have the time so that I can stop by and pay you a visit!