Welcome to Miranda’s Den
February 8, 2004
I am sorry for any inconvenience that might have been caused from the index page disappearing, but I just discovered it!! LOL (shrinking and laughing to myself!!)
Well, must be time for an update here anyway, so here goes!
I have opened a professional design site this last year called Wild Islands Web Studio and have been working on it continuously so I am afraid I have ignored these pages a bit. I have added a dropdown list to this page for your convience of movement, and you will find all of the updates for the Den site posted here and at the What’s New Garden on Magic Island. If you are looking for new faeries you will want to check that page first for
the updates.
Here is a list of what you can find lying around this ol’ bears den:
Magic Island:
It’s a wonderful place to visit if you haven’t been yet. Faeries for adoption, Caves to explore, a few thoughts left along the way at the Windmill, the ‘How’d Ya Do Zoo,
Oasis of Resources, Links Harbor and hopefully when I have the time a treasure hunt with a sunken Pirate Ship!
Miranda’s World: Miranda’s World is a directory of all my personal sites.
Shani’s Place: I will be re-working Shani’s Place sometime this fall.
The Cottage: I have just updated the Cottage with a brand new area called Bob’s House. It consists of forty pages so pack a lunch!
The Village:
Lot’s of goodies there! It’s an old fashioned family christmas, recipes included!
Charlene’s Japanese Tea Garden:
One page for a good friend of mine. Very lovely and beautiful music.
Sweat Gazette: A Native American Newsletter online from Ventura County, Ca.
Full Circle Rainforest:
A place for children to learn about the rainforests of the world. WARNING!! These pages take forever to load and I will fix them when I have the time. Sorry :(
The CASA site is for Lane County, Oregon. I did this site for a friend of mine who was the director at the time. CASA stands for “Court Appointed Special Advocate
Association”. People helping children who cannot help themselves in the court systems.
As they say... “Bidibidibidibidi, Thththat’s all folks!”