Newsletter of the Sundragon Fleet of KAG Australia

The Warrior's Way is the quarterly newsletter of the Sundragon Fleet of KAG Australia. It's purpose is to keep members of KAG Australia up to date with the news and activities of the Sundragon Fleet. It contains articles about the Klingon culture as well as stories written by members about their Klingon personas.

View the current online issue:
The Warrior's Way - Summer 2000

The Warrior's Way is best viewed in 800x600.

Previous issues:

December 1998
March 1999
February 2000

The next issue of The Warrior's Way will be online in September 2000.

If you have something you'd like to see in the next issue, send it to the Editor!!

If you have any questions/comments, please email the Editor.

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Lt Cmdr B'Etor DevnoH

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No infringement intended. The Warrior's Way is purely for the information and enjoyment of fans. The Klingon Assault Group has no connections with Paramount Pictures.